☆We're Only Liar's☆

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FOB Title Credits:

Song- Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued.
Album- From Under The Cork Tree


Patrick's POV

I loved the shows, the gigs, the festivals. Everything. All together though just performing was phenomenal. Up on stage with my best friends whilst jumping around like a lunatic belting my heart and lungs out into each of our treasured songs. The buzz of the fans singing the lyrics with anticipation looming in their eyes. The phone lights waving in the air, swaying in motion to the beat of the drum and the strum of the guitars. I felt invincible, almost like the world couldn't touch me as I was putting a smile on thousands, no millions of faces during just one night.

Its hard to believe I gave it all up for small set acoustics and overestimated shows with my solo career. But all that past beauty on the stage was so overwhelming too us that everything led to arguments and punched faces, so we split and led our own lives for 4 years. Okay, it wasn't a 'split' it was a 'Hiatus' a 'decompression' if you will. We just grew too comfortable in our shoes, which in tail caused a lack of effort when writing lyrics, recording or even doing shows. We lost all motivation. The hiatus though was a worthwhile time for all off us, we grew up and honed in on our musical talents.

I went solo, Pete worked with Black Cards, while Joe and Andy did The Damned Things plus a few other projects along the way. And look at us now, sitting in a crummy 'fast' food restaurant waiting for our greasy dishes to be brought to us. Well not Andy, with his vegan diet and health regime, he was landed with water. We met up a lot during the hiatus catch a film or grab a coffee and chat. We once joked about getting together again but I didn't think they were serious because now it's so surreal to be sat here talking business with Fall Out Boy, not just as friends but actually maybe a band. I started smiling to myself at the thought of being in a band again, it felt as if I was dreaming.

snap snap

I opened my eyes to see fingers waving in my face clicking continuously. I looked up to see who the hand belonged to, Pete. The look on his face was priceless, that it made me grin even harder. I buried my face into my hands beginning to shake with laughter.

"What up with him?" Joe asked, I just about made out that voice through my giggles.

"Your guess is as good as mine" Andy stated, I could place that voice anywhere.

"Come on guys, Its Patrick. Who knows what goes on in his head!" Chuckled the voice I knew all to well. The voice that instantly gave me shivers. The voice that stopped my giggles to let that chill he caused pass down my spine. I could never love that voice anymore than I do right now, so calm and smooth. He was my best friend. 

I looked up at him and slapped his arm defensively. "Well, that's offensive" I finally blurted out looking into Pete's honey-brown eyes, so mesmerising.

"Aw 'Trick, did I upset you ickle bunny?" Pete cooed in a childish voice whilst squeezing my cheeks. I pushed him away and started to giggle once again. Pete watched me with a glint in his eyes and I hid away in embarrassment. I could hear quiet chuckles from the other side of the table. I pulled away from my arms to confront Pete but before i could say anything I was stopped dead in my tracks by a vibration consuming my thigh, my cellphone was ringing. 

I frowned and pulled the device from my pocket swallowing harshly when i saw the caller ID. I looked up at the table, "uh excuse me guys, I just need to get this"  I briefly flashed them my phone before promptly sliding from the booth and leaving the restaurant before I could hear any form of reply. As soon as the cold air of Chicago hit my face I answered the call.

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