Eli Ayase

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Know your Idol...Know Your Idol...Know Your Idol...Know Your Idol 

Announcer: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first ever episode of "Know Your Stars Love Live Edition" Allow me to introduce you all to your host, The Voice

Audience: (cheers)

Voice: Thank you! Thank you! And welcome everyone to the first chapter of "Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition". Allow me to bring out Ms. Eli Ayase.

Audience: (cheers)

Eli: (comes on stage and waves to the crowd and sits in her seat.) Thank you everyone. I'm glad to be here.

Voice: May I? 

Eli: Yes you may.

Voice: Eli Ayase...is a horrible dancer (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (laughs a little)

Eli: I agree with  that statement a bit. I believe that I have a lot to improve on as a dancer ever since I was younger and failed when I was younger. Though, I prefer the term "needs improvement on dancing" if you don't mind. 

Voice: Eli Ayase...cheats off of Nozomi and Nico's homework. (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (laughs again but a bit louder than before)

Eli: What? Where did you hear such a ridiculous lie from? I do my own homework. Here, I have footage to prove it. (gets out her phone showing footage of Eli by herself doing homework)

Voice: That's probably fake. 

Eli: No it is not.

Voice: Eli Ayase...blackmails and stalks her friends to find their weaknesses (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (laughs and whews)

Eli: That is also a complete lie! I would never blackmail my friends nor do I stalk them. Everyday after school, I usually rehearse with Muse, work on business for the student council, and do homework. Even if I did wanted to blackmail someone, I wouldn't have time for that.

Voice: Eli Ayase...enjoys it when Nozomi Washi Washis her (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

 Eli: What?! That's also completely false! I'd never, had ever, nor will I ever enjoy Nozomi's so called Washi Washi. It's disgusting and shameless not to mention very unbecoming of her! 

Umi: Thank you! Finally, someone who agrees with me that Nozomi's perverted actions are disgusting and vile.

Nico: Doesn't everyone?

Voice: Eli Ayase...hates Muse and only joined for the sake of the school (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (whews)

All of Muse: What?!

Eli: Excuse me?! I'll have you know that I care deeply for Muse. I joined because I wanted to join. It doesn't really have anything to do with the school at all. I have a lot of fun performing with my friends laughing together, dancing together, sharing and embracing all of the good and bad times we had together. I refuse to sit here and let you smear lies on my good name.

Voice: Now you know...Eli Ayase...the horrible dancer who cheats on homework, blackmails her friends, enjoys Nozomi's Washi Washi and hates Muse and joined for the school's sake.

Eli: I can't say they do!

Voice: Yes they do know you.

Eli: I demand to see the director of this riffraff you call a show!

Voice: You're talking to the director right now!

Muse: Ehhhhhhh?!

Eli: You know what? I'm going to write and send the authorities a strongly written report the moment I'm out of here about how twisted this show is! (leaves)

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