Sarah Kazuno

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Know Your Idol...Know your Idol...Know Yoir Idol...Know Your Idol

Audience: (cheers)

Announcer: Welcome back to Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition. Allow me to bring you your host, The Voice!

Audience: (cheers)

Voice: Thank you all and once again, welcome back to another chapter of...

Audience: Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition!

Voice: That's right. Today's guest is a member of Saint Snow from Love Live Sunshine. Please give a warm welcome to Ms. Sarah Kazuno.

Audience: (cheers)

(Sarah enters on the stage and waves at the crowd and sits down)

Sarah: Hello everyone.

Voice: Now let's get to it. (clears throat) Sarah gay for Dia (thanks Elichi_2007 for requesting this)

(Dia and Sarah's faces turn red as a tomato. The audience then turns their heads to Ruby and Leah whose jaws were hanging) 

Ruby: (in her head: "No!!!!! WHY?!!!!! THIS COULD RUIN MY CHANCE WITH LEAH!)

Leah: (in her head: "Are you F***ing kidding me?! I won't have a shot with Ruby at this rate.)

Sarah: W-w-what are you talking about? That's silly. I'm not gay for Dia. 

Voice: Then what's with the blush tomato girl? You're as red as Maki and Ruby's hair. 

Sarah: Um, it's the heat? (nervously smiles)

Voice: Mhm, sure. Anyways, Sarah Kazuno...autotunes her voice (thanks Elichi_2007 for requesting this)



Voice: Okay then, Leah, have you or your sister Sarah, use autotune before in any of your lives in any song you've ever performed.

Leah: No.

Sarah: See?

Leah: Wait, actually, there was this one time when- (covers her mouth) Crap.

Voice: Ha! Exposed by your own sister!

Sarah: Okay that was one time but that was when we began being idols but then we-

Voice: Save your lies.

Sarah: When this show is over Leah, you are so dead!

Leah: Hey, I just being honest.

Voice: One last thing.

Sarah: This better be true. 

Voice: Sarah Kazuno...has and reads KotoUmi, NozoEli, NicoMaki, DiaSarah, YouRiko/YouChika, TsubaHonk, RinPana, RubyLeah, and KananMari lemons on her Wattpad account. Wow, that is a mouthful. (thanks Elichi_2007 for requesting this)

Sarah: WHAT?! That's ridiculous! I do not read lemon! 

Voice: Explain THIS then to all the people who are watching this right now.

(a giant screen appears revealing Sarah's wattpad account which are filled with a bunch of KotoUmi, NozoEli, NicoMaki, DiaSarah, YouRiko, TsubaHonk, RinPana, RubyLeah, and KananMari lemons)

Audience: (gasps and gags in disgust)

Dia: Disgraceful! I just lost all my respect for you!

Umi: S-SHAMELESS! (turns bright red, nosebleeds, and faints)

Random Person: Lemon?! I think I'm going to sick. (about to vomit but covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom)

Sarah: What the-How did those get there?! I never added any of those stories to my library!

Voice: Why don't you tell us? 

Sarah: Stop making me look bad!

Voice: Now you know...Sarah Kazuno...the perverted lemon reader who uses autotune and is gay for Dia.

Sarah: No they do not!

Voice: Yeah they do.

Sarah: You got everything wrong about me! I am unsatisfied! State your sources of where you got all that false information from! I want to do this over please! Anybody? Hello? Are you still here?

Update: Which love live character should I do next? (It can be from SCP, Sunshine, or the games. You can also do characters from any of those series who are not idols like family members)

What "facts" should I say about them?

What will be their and the audience's reactions to each claim?

If you want an aftermath story, which character should I do next? 

What should it it be about? 

Know Your Stars (Love Live School Idol Project and Love Live Sunshine Edition)Where stories live. Discover now