Umi Sonoda

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Know Your Idol...Know Your Idol...Know Your Idol...Know Your Idol

Announcer: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another episode of, "Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition". Here's your host, The Voice.

Audience: (cheers)

Voice: Thank you everyone for once again coming and welcome back to another episode of "Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition". Allow me to bring in today's guest. She is one of the members  of Muse, introducing, Ms. Umi Sonoda.

Umi: (enters the stage waving and sits down) Uh, hello everyone.

Voice: Umi Sonoda...hates Aqours because she feels like they stole a part of her name (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (laughs)

Umi: That's not true. I don't dislike Aqours at all. Besides, t was probably some sort of coincidence and I don't really think of their name that way. Please make your claims believable. 

Voice: Umi Sonoda...she enjoys "shameless" actions and pretends to hate them to be mature. (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (gasps/laughs)

Umi: (look of horror appears on her face) What?! That is completely untrue! I never ever did enjoy those sort of things in the first place! I will never be willing to like those sort of things and disgrace myself, my family, or others!

Voice: Oh yeah? Then why do you have KotoUmi, RinPana, NicoMaki, TsubaHono, EreAn, and NozoEli lemon fanfics on your computer?

Audience: (ooooohs)

Muse and A-Rise: (blushes) What?!

Nozomi: I thought that I was the only one who had those.

Umi: Everyone, contain yourselves! I don't read those sorts of things! They're too shameless!

Voice: Do to. Look here, see? (opens up a wattpad account on a big screen that has Umi's name on it and goes onto the library revealing NozoEli, RinPana, NicoMaki, TsubaHono, EreAn, and KotoUmi lemon stories in it)

Umi: This is slander! That could be anyone's account! Just because it has my name on it doesn't mean it is actually mine!

Voice: Yes it does so there is no point in trying to deny it.

Umi: No it doesn't! I don't even have a wattpad account!

Voice: Umi Sonoda...she hates having to put up with Honoka and Kotori (thanks Zuramaru-chan for requesting this)

Audience: (oooohs)

Umi: What?! That's nonsense! 

Honoka: Umi-chan is that true?

Kotori: (starts crying)

Umi: No! Not even in the slightest! The voice is lying to you all! That claim is an absolute lie! I mean, you can be a bit of a handful at times but I love having you guys as friends! Voice, I refuse to sit here and let you continue spreading such slanderous lies and ruining my good image!

Voice: Now you know...Umi Sonoda, the teenage girl who hates Aqours, enjoys shameless acts and hates having to put up with her childhood friends.

Audience: (cheers)

Umi: (makes her poker face) Now people are going to get the wrong impression of me.

Voice: (laughs) Aww man, that face of yours is priceless. Camera crew, get a picture of this.

(camera crew comes and takes pictures of Umi's face)

Voice: Oh yeah, that's a Christmas card. Everyone, for next Christmas, if you want a Christmas card to give to your families, lovers, and friends, come purchase yourselves in advance some poker face Umi Christmas cards to give to your families and friends.

Umi: What?! You can't do that!

Voice: I just did.

Nico: (laughs) I'm so gonna buy one.

Umi: This is humiliating! I can't take this anymore! This show is shameless I tell you! Do you hear me? Shameless! (runs out of the studio in embarrassment) 

Audience: (laughs and cheers)

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