Round 2: Crossover Special: Nico Yazawa, Kyouko Toshino, and Serena

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warning: contains sexual content and profanity

Know Your Idols...Know Your Idols...Know Your Idols...Know Your Idols... 

Audience: (cheers)

Announcer: This is "Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition". Give it up for your host, the Voice!

Audience: (cheers)

Voice: Thanks everyone and welcome back to "Know Your Stars: Love Live Edition"! Now then, today, we are gonna have a round 2 crossover with Ms. Nico Yazawa, Ms. Kyouko Toshino, and Ms. Serena! Let's bring em' out and put our hands together!

Audience: (cheers)

(Nico, Kyouko, and Serena all enter the stage looking annoyed)

Nico: I gotta bad feeling about this.

Serena: Not again.

Kyouko: This is not gonna end well.

Voice: Don't be such spoiled sports. It's not what I want, it's what the people want. My public!

Audience: (cheers)

Voice: Kyouko Toshino and Serena...they once met each other and ditched Yui, Chinatsu, Akarin, Ash, Bonnie, and Clemont. (thanks -aquafrogadieramour for requesting this)


Kyouko and Serena: Nuh uh!

Serena: What are you talking about? I never met her until the last segment. Nor that I would ditch my friends.

Kyouko: I never met this chick before until the last segment, like she said.

Voice: Explain this then.

(pictures of Kyouko and Serena doing various things like taking selfies, going to the beach, and going out for parfaits appear)

Ash: Serena?

Clemont: Is this even real?

Bonnie: Traitor!

Clemont: Bonnie, we don't even know if this is true or not. It could be just a rumor.

Yui, Chinatsu, and Akarin: Traitor!

Kyouko and Serena: This is fake!

Voice: Nico Yazawa...was almost forced to cheat on Maki but she killed him. (thanks 

Audience: (gasps)

Mari and Nozomi: DRAMA!

Nico: Finally, you something right for a change.

Audience: (gasps)

Nico: Play the clip while you're at it.

Voice: Um, okay?

(a video of a suspicious looking person and Nico plays)

Man:  Don't date that mean, tomato loving red head. Date someone like me.

(the man then kabedon Nico and was about t kiss her but Nico then kicked the guy between the legs)

(the man fall on to the ground and Nico continues beating him up to death)

(video ends)

Audience: (eyes widen and jaws drop)

Maki: (blushes madly, eyes wide, jaw dropped)

Nico: You really think I would dump Maki for that loser?

Nozomi: Looks like Nicochi has leveled up. She's openly showing her love to Makichi.

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