Chapter Thirteen.

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i woke alone in bed feeling kinda sad sam wasnt cuddled up next to me i got up and sam had left a note on the counter that said 'morning beautiful i left to go shower and eat hope thats ok please tell colby text me later -luv sammy ' its not ok i wanted to wake up to us cuddling i wanted to kiss your forehead and wake you up with some breakfast in bed and a fresh cup of coffee but you left and i didnt get to 

did i like sam? even after i said i didnt?

i ate and drank my coffee then texted colby knowing i had to tell him sooner or later

y/n=y/n  c=colby

y/n-colby we need to talk

c-im so glad you texted ive been meaning to tell you something 

y/n-me too but in person 

c-wanna come over 

y/n-sure ill be there in 20 bye 


i was still on my period so i put something comfortable on so i put on some black leggings, an mcr over sized hoodie and some red nikes then headed to colbys when i got there he opened the door and brought me to his room to talk he shut and locked the door and we sat on his bed 

¨ok what did you want to talk about¨ 

¨colby this is really hard to tell you¨ i start to tear up 

¨so when i was 12 i skipped school for 2 months because i was being bullied and then i got sent o court and they made me move to another state with my dad and leave my mom and siblings  in Wisconsin¨

¨so where is your dad now then¨ 

¨my dad got married to my step mom and we didnt get along so when i turned 14 i got a job saved up and ran away to Kansas ¨

¨so youve been on your own all this time how did you pull this off¨ 

¨ive got a few tricks i picked up along the way nothing to crazy tho im just glad i told you its like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders ¨

¨if you ever need to talk im here remember that¨ 

¨thanks but what did you want to talk about¨ 

he blushes and then gulps looking into my eyes 

¨y/n i... i think i like you¨ he blurted out looking into my eyes as they widened and i blushed 

¨colby im not sure how i feel about you please dont get mad but i like you and sam both more than friends¨

¨so i have to share you with him¨ he looks disappointed when my phone buzzes and i excuse my self from his room to take it it was a text from sam asking if i told him 

s=sam y/n=y/n

s-did you tell him

y/n- ya but sam i need tot ellyou something


y/n-i realizeed last night that  i have feeling for you too but..

s-really thats amazing im so excited 

y/n-let me finish but... i realized i like colby too 

s-cant you choice 

y/n-its not that easy 

s-oh ok well i love you still 

y/n-i love you too now i should go im with colby rn

i walk back into colbys room and tell him 

¨colby i like you and sam both and its not gonna be easy but i have to choice between you two but if i do ill break one of you but if i dont itll break me being torn between the 2 of you¨

¨do what you have to aliyah in the end all i want is for you to be happy¨ 

¨thanks you colby¨ i give him a kiss and he smiles 

colby starts tickling me like crazy and i cant stop laughing i try pushing him off but hes too strong after he tickled me for about 10 minutes he stopped and we laid down and he cuddled me out of breath we calm down and drift asleep 

i woke up colby still having a grip on my waist i kiss him on the head and get up going to the bathroom i come back out and hes sitting up in bed ¨sorry i dint mean to wake you up¨ i pic up my phone and i have 4 missed calls from sam and 10 texts 

s-im sorry for everything im so sorry

s-i didnt want to hurt you but i was broken 

s-colby deserves you i dont 

s-i love you

s-im sorry

s-im so so so sorry 

s-tell them all i love them 

s-be good to colby

s-take care of yourself 

s-i loved you 

y/n-sam what do you mean loved

3 minuts later

y/n-sam text me baxk please


s-i love you goodbye 

¨colby we have to go now¨ i grabbed colby and his car key and we drive to sams house he wasnt home we went to the old abandoned warehouse up the road on the way i told colby to read the texts

¨hes gonna kill himself step on it we have to stop him before its too late¨ colby starts to got worried and so did i  so i stepped on the peddle. quickly i pulled into the warehouse parking lot we jump out and scream for sam no answer... 

keep reading to find out what happens eek this is exciting word count is 899 words 

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