day dreamer

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sams POV 

y/n busted through the door she ran and sat on the side of my bed taking my hand for a second she started to cry before she got lost in her thoughts i called her name but no answer so i decided to slap her she came back to this world 

¨Sammy bear omg im so glad your ok i dont know what i would have dont if you died¨ she gave me a tight hug 

¨y/n thats for saving me back there¨ i smiled at her 

¨if i didnt i would have lost the most important person in my life¨ she gave me a kiss on the cheek 

¨ even more important than colby¨ she smiled then looked from me to colby then back at me 

¨even more important than colby¨she moved so colby could come talk to me. he gave me a kiss on the forehead 

¨dont steal my man¨y/n said sarcastically 

¨whos your man?" i asked as she rolled her eyes 

¨nether of you! you idiots i was joking we all know #solby is real me and the fans¨ y/n joked and we all laughed but my laugh soon became a cough and i started coughing up blood colby rushed to go get the doctor 

¨its gonna be ok Sammy¨ y/n comforted me as i started to gasp for air 

¨get out of the way¨ the doctors come piling in and start assessing the situation they put a mask over my nose and mouth i could hear the hear machine slow down but when i started breathing through the mask it went back to normal. the doctors left and told them not to take the mask off  

¨that scared the living shit out of me¨ y/n said

¨your gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books to make a citizen out of you because they sleep with a gun and keep and eye on you so they can watch all the things you do¨ colby sang a verse from teenagers MCR. aliyah joined in and i listened as they sang. i loved them singing thy always sounded good. i waited till they finished then clapped for them. 

i was smiley and happy right now but in my mind i was slowly loosing it. im so glad aliyah cut that rope and that colby caught me. the room was silent now all of us just staring at each other

"they pronounced me dead for 2 minutes but were able to restart my heart" i blurted out of no where 

"what?" colby and y/n said at the same time 

"my best friend was dead for a whole 2 minutes" i just nodded and neither of them took their eyes of me 

"not to be inconsiderate or anything but.... awesome what was it like?" colby asked 

"its fine and  i was in this room doctors surrounding me trying to keep me alive but they couldnt i flat lined then the doctors disappeared and you guys came in the room you sat down and then y/n saw me but so could i. i could see my own life less body i told her that you could take my place as her best friend and you would be a great boyfriend i told her to make you happy and to tell you i loved you then i said goodbye and a light appeared on the other side of the room. i walked into it then i woke up with all the doctors still standing around me" i explained to colby as y/n listened 

y/ns POV

"remember when i came in and i zoned out?" i asked the boys and they  nodded

"well i didnt know i was in a trance and i saw sams spirit list out of his body and then he told me the same thing then he went into the light" sam looked at me shocked at what he just heard

"thats a weird" we all agreed on that. the doctors cam back in and told sam he could take the mask off. he did so. we just sat and talked until we all grew tired. there was another bed next to sams so colby laid there while sam wanted me to lay with his so id did. sam wrapped me you in a tight hug we were under the thin hospital blankets so we were really the only keeping each other warm. i loved the feeling of his body heat as it radiated off him to me. 

sam had one arm under my head stoking my hair and the other wrapped around my waist. while i had one laying across his chest and the other to my side. i loved cuddling with same he was one of my safe places he made me feel slated from the horrible world i could spend my entire life cuddling him. colby was already asleep as me and sam slowly drifted off.

i was having a dream or a nightmare to be exact we were in the hospital room and then the lights went out then they came back on the only people there were me sam and colby well thats what we thought until we waked out of the room to see a tall dark figure standing at the end of the hall and then a very bright figure standing at the other end. thats as far as the dream got until i had been shot awake 

word count: 911 words 

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