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What if I changed my decisions?

What if those decisions got affected by all of the things that you have done?

What if it's not you?

Well, it really isn't you.

"Lena. Dude. Wake up. You can't just lock yourself up in your room all day. You need the at least have sun in your room."

I hate that.

I hate that a lot of people had to meddle with my decisions. But again, I'm eventually gonna leave but not right now. I need sleep. I didn't.

Suddenly, Lena's phone rang.

"Hey. Lens. You going to school today?"

Wait. There's school today?!?!

Lena turned off her phone and ran towards her closet to dress up. At least she already showered and stuff before that.

She woke up early again because of her mind.

Ugh. I want to rest more.

She made her way out of her apartment and walked to school since it's pretty near neat and it's not that late anyways.

As soon as she stepped into school, Lena felt shivers down her spine.

I have to deal with this crap from now on. Why do I have to be involved in this?

As Lena walk past students, she felt glares and gossips were heard by her ears. She doesn't care anymore since she can't do anything about it.

She's just a nobody.

"Lens!" Her bestfriend, Jeno, yelled and ran towards her.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" She calmly said, and that made Jeno sad and uneasy at the same time.

"Well, I actually want to show you something but if you don't want to then..." He scratched his nape and laughed awkwardly.

"No. It's fine." Lena held Jeno's hand and pulled him.

Jeno laughed and led her to a room thats she's really familiar with.

"Why are we here?" She laughed awkwardly.

"I actually have a surprise for you. Since you've been wanting to have new friends..."

"You brought new friends?!?!" Lena excitedly said. Jeno looked at her confusedly but laughed at her cute reaction.

"They're not that new. You met them already but I guess not then." Jeno then walked towards another door and opened it.

As Lena was looking back, guys started entering with Jeno.


Yes. It's them!

Moment Of Tangency | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now