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"When will you tell the truth?" Chenle asked her continuously.

"Chenle, there's nothing to tell." Lena said again.

Chenle got so frustrated that he suddenly shook Lena by the shoulders.

"Lena, wake up! Everybody is not good because of this." Chenle retorted.

"I know. But Chenle, believe me, I want to end this but I don't know how." Lena already had shiny eyes.

"How did this start anyway?"

Flashback •

"Do you really have to go, Lena? You could stay here. With us." Chenle begged Lena.

"I'm sorry. I just need time alone. You know on how I feel about everything. It's really making me depressed."

"Well, alright. I respect your decision. But what are you planning when you come back?" Lena's expression suddenly darkened.

"You know the reason why I'm leaving right?" Lena looked at Chenle. He gulped.

"Yeah, but you can't ignore it forever."

"That's why I'm leaving. I can't forget it!" Lena suddenly cried out. Chenle sat beside her and comforted her.

"You have to though. They are still Jaemin and Jeno." Chenle explained.

"They lied to me. They thought I wouldn't find out but I did."

"I know they lied to you..."

"They manipulated me. They... Jaemin just lied straight into my face. You know what they did? They made me fall for them. They made me a toy. A toy that loved them endlessly. But I heard both of them talking. They never loved me back. They never did."

Lena cried into Chenle's arms and hugged him tightly.

Chenle comforted her continuously and kept her in his arms for longer.

"Don't worry. When the time is right, we'll confront them." Chenle hugged tighter.

End of Flashback •

She expected to be loved back. But she got nothing but fake flowers.

Moment Of Tangency | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now