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"Lena, wake up." Chenle tapped her by the shoulder. She sat up straight and stretched.

"C-Chenle...? What are you doing here?" She ask while brushing her eye.

Chenle chuckled and placed a tray full of breakfast on her bed.

"Yeah, about that... We talked here, and then you fell asleep. But I was a bit too scared to walk home at literally midnight so... I just stayed. Hopefully it's okay." Lena chuckled.

"It's fine. I mean, your my best friend after all." They both laughed and talked.

Suddenly, Lena's phone rang and showed that Renjun was calling.

"Yeah? Oh... uhm... sure I'll bring it to school. Okay. Sure, I'll be there." Lena ended the call.

"What is it?" Chenle asked Lena.

"Renjun was asking for the books that I borrowed from him. Sooo..."

"Let's go then!" Chenle cheerfully said.

They walked out of her house and walked together to school.

"Hey Lena and Chenle!" They heard Renjun calling.

"Hey Renjun, what's up?" Lena asked him.

"Sorry for the short notice. I just needed the books back. But..." Renjun scratched his nape.

"But what?" Lena looked at Renjun.

"I kinda need Chenle right now. Can I excuse him?" Lena looked back at  Chenle and Renjun.

"Yeah sure go ahead. I'll carry these books to the gym."

"Thank you." Renjun immediately grabbed Chenle's wrists and ran off.

Lena shrugged it off and made her way to the gym. Why? Renjun studies there with the guys.

What if the guys are there?

She went in slowly and got in. No one is there. Phew.

She laid down the books near Renjun's bag and arranged it by his schedule.

"How are you?" Lena suddenly stop her duty as soon as she heard that familiar voice.

"Jaemin?" He sat beside her.

He just smiled.

Oh, this is not gonna go well, isn't it?

Moment Of Tangency | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now