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Lena woke up with her clothes from yesterday, still on.

"I didn't even change. I guess I was just really distracted again."

She stood up and headed off to do her morning routine. While she was doing that, she can't stop thinking about Jaemin.

She did miss him. And she loves him. But why does she feel different around him? That's what Lena thought the whole time she was with Jaemin yesterday.

"Did he just forget everything?"

Suddenly, a familiar person sat beside her in class.

"Hi sister!" He said quietly since the teacher's discussing.

She waved back and focused again.

"Why are you late?" Lena asked Chenle. He just chuckled nervously and copied the notes that was on the board.

Chenle then passed a piece of paper at Lena and she read it.

Jaemin and Sera are dating.

She suddenly looked up at Chenle, confusion in her eyes. He just nodded slowly.

"What? How come? Yesterday, I was just with him and now... he's dating Sera?!"

The school bells rang and Lena immediately grabbed her backpack when Chenle stopped her.

"Where are you going?" Lena pointed at the door and saw Jaemin passing by.

"What are you planning to do, Lena? Follow him? There's no use. We did that. That's why I'm late." Lena relaxed and looked at Chenle.

"But... we were just together yesterday. What happened?"

Tears were threatening to come out of her eyes. That's when Chenle decided to hug her and she hugged back.

"I... I dont know, Lena. I don't know."

Moment Of Tangency | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now