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"Lena please... talk to me at least." Jeno begged at the girl sitting right beside him.

It's been 2 days since Jeno pretty much confessed what really happened to Jaemin. And the fact that Jeno said that he did that because he liked Lena.

That's nonsense, she taught.

"Jeno. There's nothing to talk about." Lena sternly said.

She didn't want to talk to someone that ruined Jaemin's life.

Well, is that the truth though?

"Look. I'm sorry. And don't worry, I promise that I will tell Jaemin everything. I promise that." Jeno stated but Lena wouldn't budge.

She sighed and stared at the night sky.

"You don't have to." She murmured but Jeno heard everything.

"What? Why?" Jeno tilted his head, showing his confusion.

"I think it's fine that his memory stay like that. Don't you think?" Lena stated and glanced at Jeno who literally was beyond confused.

"So... are you saying that we should keep lying to him?" Jeno raised he voice a little.

"No. That's not what I meant. What I mean is that, everything you said is already there. It's already a part of his memory."

"So, everything that I said to him... will just like that?" Lena nodded.

Tears formed in her eyes.

I'm sorry. That happened. You happened.

Moment Of Tangency | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now