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Lena looked back and saw Jeno's friends that she had met before. She smiled and hugged each one of them.

Chenle, Renjun, Haechan, Jisung, Jaemin...

I miss them!

WhIle they were catching up, she felt glances on her as she talks to her considered brother, Chenle.

She even teaches him even more Korean along with Renjun.

She looked around and saw Jaemin outside the room, using his phone. She stood up from her seat and walked out of the other door, opposite of Jaemin.

"Lena? What are you doing there?" Chenle called her but she just shook her head and the others shrugged it off.

That was close.

When she looked back, she didn't see Jaemin there. Lena stepped out of the room and looked around.

Where is he?

Suddenly, someone grabbed her hand and ran to another room.

"Jaemin?" She said.

He looked at her and laughed at her who was literally flustered.

"Ya! Why are you finding me? Did you miss me?" He showed his really attractive smile that made Lena sweat and she doesn't know why.

I'm not used to Jaemin being alone with me. This was a scenario that I never thought about.

"Yeah, sure." She tried to be sarcastic and looked away. Jaemin noticed and forced her by her shoulders to look at him.

Even his hands touching her shoulders made her hands sweaty.

Suddenly, Jaemin pulled her into a really tight hug. Lena got shocked but once her heart calmed down, she gave in.

"I missed you." He said as Lena smile.

"Me too." And that one made Jaemin smile.

They loosened the hug and they started acting silly as they walk back to class.

Yeah. They were in the same class and the bell rung already when they stopped hugging.

They parted ways and even said goodbye in a really silly manner.

He's so cute.

Lena went in her class and sat on her usual seat.

That's her photography class. It's like an extra class for her since she really is interested in everything behind the lens.

That's why Jeno calls her "Lens."

But one thing that bothered her is not something about school...

It's obviously about Jaemin.

What are we doing? My mind and feelings and my heart are confused. I can't. I dont know what will happen after this.

I like him.

Moment Of Tangency | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now