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I was shocked when I open the door to my bed room, I saw that very familiar blue box on my bed. I whispered to myself 'that hers'.
I can't blinked my eyes when I read what written in the A4 paper at the top of the box.

It says,

"Dear my bestfriend,
this is my lifetime memory box. I know you always curious to open it whenever you saw it (she draw a smile) but I never let you touch it because I'm waiting for the right time. But now this is yours, complete it, I trust you enough to take care of it. Because I see myself so much in you.

Right time? She waiting for the right time? until the end she hide it from us. She plastered her suffering with her lovely smile and her excited aura near us all the time.

I felt stupid when I think about it, but I miss her,I miss her laugh and her stupid jokes and her unpredictable attitude. I miss her a lot.

It's almost 2 years since she leaved us, yet I still felt like it was yesterday.


As I open the box with my shaking hand, I had to fought back the tears. Because I knew she don't want to see me crying.

I scanned the things in the box. All was a familiar things I see since we in the elementary school.
I never knew the handkerchief I give her on our first met when we were 7 was here.


11 year back:

I still remember when I saw her knee was bloody and bruised because she fell on the rocks, when the bad girls push her roughly, yet she not crying but I can see her paled face.
I lend her my favourite handkerchief to clean her cuts.

When our eyes met, she smile to me.That was the first time I saw that lovely smile. But I guess she become my best friend when she outstretched her hand for me, smile widely.

All I know about this girl during that time was she is that active and loud 7 years old girl. But later I was drawn to her amazing, yet crazy personalities.

(End of flashback)

I saw many photo of us growing up together, I saw as our figured slowly changed in that photos time by time.But one thing never changed.
Her smiled .

The Diary of The Happy girlWhere stories live. Discover now