Chapter 16

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Last night I slept like a baby. I realized how my body was so restless. Three nights in the dormitory really make me tired.

I can't have a good sleep. Eventhough Mrs Loli let us go to sleep early.I just can't sleep peacefully there. I felt like I've been watched.

thankfully! that I finally can go back home and sleep at my own bed ,with my own pillow and blanket and teddy.

I felt like drowning to a deep slumber the moment I lay on my bed.
I felt so restless that I don't realized I've been slept too long, until 2 p.m. Mom probably knew how I am so exhausted so she never came to my room to woke me up. Thanks mom.

I don't even cared to checked on my phone last night. Today when I woke up I saw 3 notifications from 'whatapps.
' 3 messages from Elisa another one from my brother telling me to fed his fish or he will killed me,but I don't care, and another one from the new group. 'Choral speaking' with 543 messages!
They're crazy.

I reply elisa messages telling her Im okay. I don't know why she so worried. Im started to wondered about the  new 'whatapps' group.

I just ignored my brother. Probably mum had fed his gold fish. He visited grandma house yesterday and I don't know why he wanted me to fed his fish while he can asked mum though.

I just scrolled their messages in the group.All was the unfamiliar numbers that never exist in my phone contacts.
but sure I can recognized their names. It's written in the numbers.

They talking about yesterday and a lot of things. The girls kept talking about the boy school where they had a crush on a couples of the cute boys, that I don't know how they got their name. They are the real stalker.

I scrolled the messages till I reach one part where they talked about the girls had a crush on a couples of the boys in our team. It's annoying but I wanted to found out who the boys too.

Some of the girls conffesed in the group to the boy that they liked and they dont Seem to felt embarrased about that.

I am speechless... when I saw one of the freshmen girls name Ayla confessed to Dylan in the group.

Dylan just send the lol emoji(😂). but the girl kept telling everyone in the group that she likes Dylan since she first lay her eyes on him in the audition.

some of the member in the group send the applause emoji👏, love emoji💜 and smiley☺. They even encouraged Dylan to asked Ayla to become his Girlfriend.
Shit I hate writing this!

I realized why Elisa asked if I am okay. It probably because Of this. She know it,that I liked Dylan.

I was in fury. I felt like ripped someone throat.I really hope I am a warewolf now.

Ayla was the attention seeker. From the beggining I was annoyed looking at her attitude .She loves to laugh too loud so that everyone can heard her laugh, everything she done she freakingly showed that she was thirst for an attention! but I never Cared once.

But now I officially the hater of this girl. Sorry girl.


Elisa pov:

I realized she don't read the conversation in the group yet because she asked me why? Did something happen.

Soon she send me a heartbreak emoji(💔). And I knew it she had read it. I was so panicked on that time, when that was all her reaction was. So I called her that evening.

I still remember our conversation that day,it's cleary still planted in my head.

"Hello? Ria" I said, after I dialed her number.
5 seconds and I finally reach her with her hoarse voices that I thought she  was crying.                      

"Hey,Lisa! What's up? Last night can sleep eh?" She giggles at the end.
"Im fine.and yeah last night I can sleep like im in heaven. It feels sooooo good to be back home!" I replied. She just laugh.
" So are you okay? I mean sure you had read the conversation in the group right?"   

She giggles and said "my voice is not okay if you wondered about that. I am not crying okay!" she giggles.

Then she add,
"but,Im okay now. just now I was thinking about killing someone but yeah whatever", she paused "but I hundred percents trust my brain that I hate that bitch" she scream at the end part. She really pissed off.

we don't want to pissed off Ria. Poor girl.

"I, I am sorry about that, I knew Dylan won't dating her.because, he likes you isn't he? I knew he likes you"
I said trying to comfort her. And yeah I 100% sure he likes her.

"Yeah maybe. If not I'll kill both of them. Haha kidding" her laugh though it's sound creepy. Another creepy statements.

"Yeah I'll probably teamed up with you" I add.
But what happen next shocked me like a trucked hit me in the ass!

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