Chapter 38

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Eight: go to someone party.

When I tell my mum that im coming to a party she get all shocked and going all mother mode with me. Ugh.

'No alcohol' 'not leaving your friend' 'not going to any dark corner' and the list goes on and on.    

Mum will always be mom.

I go to the party with the girls, so they'll pick me up. Who is driving? Meghan mum. 
Looking for a suitable dress was the hardest part of the day. I end up  choosing my red sleeveless dress and put on my medium heels. Yeah I have my own heels too okay! Im extreamly excited to go there.

Because now im actully already in ma dress waiting for Meghan.
Eventhough this stupid head of mine never stop throbbing in pain. Im taking the painkillers just now, and I hope it will back to normal soon. Why it never leave me  alone? It suck!

guess Drake go too. Because James, Alex brother which is Drake bestfriend the one who throwing this party at their, you know massive house I mean palace. Their house is so freaking huge! Well that's what happen when you're rich.

Did I just heard a sound of car honk? Lol I have to go! I'll write about the party tonight!

Gosh damn this head!

Why! Why now! This throbbing pain.

I'll be fine. Right...?

Elisa pov:

The funny thing is it not only Ria the one who going to a party for the first time. The girls and I too. I thought Felly had went to any party before because honestly we all can tell she's the only who look like a person who get used with social life and going to any party is part of their life. But no! She said her old school friends is annoyed her. Well you know them like what.

When we arrived at Ria front house, we waited for like 3 minutes before we saw a running Ria towards the car. She looked so stunning in her red sleevless dress. It wrapped her body perfectly making her curvy body  more visible.
Damn that girl she slayed it! But she enter the car I still can remember her face. She looks like in pained. I asked her but she said she just nervous for the party. I don't give any further question because I assumed she really were nervous because I saw a bits of sweat at her forehead.

But no.

And thats the day that I wish I could go back again and change that biggest mistake that I had ever done in my life.

Yeah, it sad. it sad but true. The flashback of that night kept replayed in my head. We are so happy dancing at the party that night...
when suddenly she fainted on the dance floor.
I saw Dylan panicking beside her. He try to call her name. The lights were blinding my vision. I screamed her name but she don't move a limbs. I shake her like crazy but I only saw that paled face and her helpless body. She looked so lifeless.
  I heard the ambulance siren and soon the paramedics reached there and carried her. Everyone shock and stared as they bring her to the ambulance. Yeah it's everyone nightmare. And no one talk about it after that, although I know they feel really terrible about that

12.05 a.m.
She passed away.

And I still feel terrible like all the time. If only I can do something to help you.

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