Chapter 14

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"Closed your eyes and think about foods"

I, I don't know what to write. I guess I lost half of my brain cells when Dylan hold my hand before.Wonder why?

So just now the electrics supply was suddenly lost while we take 5 minutes break from practice. I was sat beside Dylan on the school stage with some of the kids too.

We basically just sit where we stand before while some of the kids go to the washroom.

I was talking about each other favourite subjects with Dylan, when suddenly the lights was gone.

because we're in the school hall, it was freakingly dark there.

Some of the girls was screaming, some of them is crying and the boys comforting them. Fake.

Me? I am not a fan of darkness but I am not a fan of   wanting an attentions from the boys in situations like this though.

So yeah im trying hard to keep it calm while my surroundings was in chaos.

I hug my knees and buried my face on them.

But then, I felt a hand on my back. More like patting my back. I knew it was him, because he is the closest person with me on that moment.

When I turn my head on him he smiled at me and tell me it's okay, he told me that the dormitory teacher said we should stay here until the lights came back.

Believed me I don't heard that, the teacher.haha

What shocked me is when he suddenly take my hands on him and asking me if im okay.

And hell of course im not okay when he do that. I forgot about the darkness but My heart beating so fast that I felt like it will going to burst out from my ribcage soon.

But of course I won't tell him that, so I do the stupid thing by nodded at his direction in the darkness.
later on I realized my stupidness and replied him a yes.

I guess he realized im not that okay because I can felt his thumbs was rubbing on my hand lightly. It really make me felt relaxed.

We continued our early conversation in the dark while his hand still on me. Sometimes I can felt his thumbs on my hand.

Although it's slightly awkward talking with him while we holding hand, but I love that.

But When the lights suddenly appeared, I realized we should let go our hand from each other.

I really hope the lights won't appeared forever.

I don't know if someone caught us holding hands. I hope Elisa didn't saw that because she will make fun of me.

I remember saw his face was a bit red when the light iluminated on his face.

But I guess im the worst because I am burning not blushing.

Gosh. Im falling, to his sweetness.


Elisa pov:

The day that I never forget in my life. Remember how Ria mentioned before about this creepy dormitory? And can you Imagined when suddenly the lights gone and it all darkness here?

Hell the kids was surely make the moments worst back then. They scream like hysteric people and crying like a baby.

Of course im terrified too but I just don't want to be over reacted like some of the girls, that's why im searching  for Ria.

But I changed my mind when I saw her hand was on Dylan's. Of course I can see eventhough in the dark because the guard directed his torchlight to us so I can see them through the uncleared and dim lights though.

I just don't felt like breaking their sweets moments.

so I end up sitting beside Olivia the freshmen girl that don't seem to care about the situation because she seem so eager talking with me about her boyfriend that I don't even cared to remembered who he was. Boring, but I got no choice.

Later that night I remember Mrs. Loli cancel our practices and told us to Slept early.

Because all the girls was so scared of what just had happened back then, we decided to sleep closed to each other.
we arraged the single bed in the middle of the room and we slept on the floor, with the lights on.

That's why Ria got a chance to write on her diary that night.

Trust me, Ria was the pained in the ass because she kept woke me up telling me she can't sleep and she don't want to be alone awake.She was crueled but I am too tired to argued with her, so I just listened to her whatever story till both of us asleep.

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