Chapter 30

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Three: Hiking/trekking activity
We finally here!
I cannot believe that 3 Hours from now We'll be start to our so called mount climb journey. I barely knew that mount Climbing is far dangerous than hiking.
Curse my lacked of knowledge about sports.

But still im so excited!

We arrived here yesterday at 4 p.m. and warmly welcomed by the staffs here.

Im in the same room with Elisa while Felly with Meghan at the room next to us.

Last night was one of my favourite night ever! We were serve with plenty of amazing foods!
I almost out of breath because im eating too much. Damn my big appetite.

Shawn was annoyed Felly the whole time and they kept calling each other a name.
Even until now I still can hear they're running after each other. Old fashion. lol.

Felly kept blushed and denied it everytime we said that she had a crush on Shawn.
Someone in love.

Alex been asking about Riley yesterday when we gathered before started the drive way.

"Hey Lisa, Where's Riley? I thought he really wanted to join us because he seems so excited yesterday?"  He looked around with a questioning look on his face.

  Elisa glared on me and gosh we forgot about this.

After I tell them im quit this disguising things, we thought everything going smooth again.
I just said anything that came across to my head on that times.

"Lisa! Riley was here? Why I don't know about this?"

"Yeah, he came here 2 days ago. But"
She look at Alex,

"Im sorry Alex Riley said he can't join us because he had an emergency and he just took his flight this morning."

"Oh poor Riley".
Alex said.

Elisa faked a sad expression.
"Yeah I know, but anyway he said thank you for inviting him too."

"Well he always welcome to come."

But thanks god we manage to work on this. Phew but I can't help but wanted to killed Dylan, Felly and Meghan.  

They smirked at me when Alex asked where's Riley. 
Damn guys.

Well I gotta go before Felly going all crazy if we came late at the top of the mountain. Um hill?
Well It's a small mountain.

But yeah if we have people who non-stoply talking like Felly and Shawn in the group and maybe causing trouble too, we should start early.

*after hiking*

Elisa should win a trophies of the most amazing style of fell. I know I know im bad.

But how can you ignore it when your bestfriend rolling stuned actions infront of you?

Elisa fell today haha. I can't help but laughing secrectly at her.
Gosh I can't believe I can manage to stay in my calm expression when my stomach was exploding with laugh.
I know I did not supposed to laughing at her.

But seriously she's rolling like ball and gosh she landing perfectly face first.

Poor Elisa haha. I guess her legs was so tired and it's quite dark there that she off balaced and fall.

nope it's rolled.

But seriously this hill is quite challenging than I thought.
You know we not usually doing activity like this.Tsk.

We reach at the top at 3.30 p.m. and believed me the view is breathtakingly gorgeous.

It was so worth it to have this soared and shaky legs because we got a chance to witness the stunning view up there.

I still cannot forget what happen there. It just beautiful and calm.

I remember,
Dylan suddenly came beside me and whispered to my ear,

"beautiful isn't it."

I can't help but blushed because of his action but still managed to give him a small nod.

I don't know how long we stayed like that. Standing next to each other in silence. But not awkward, it's a relaxing silences and sweet moment.

And I love it when with him.

And yeah Lisa fall when we heading back down. It felt more challenging When heading down because we need to control our legs and balances.

I almost fell when my legs hit the sharp rock but thanks god! because he once again send me his beautiful charming angel all the time.

Im on the stage of having mental battle with my excitement and nervous because Dylan manage to held my hand before I land on the rock with my face.

I started to think he have eyes at his back because he can see me almost falling.
who the hell in the world can see something at his back without turning his head. gosh!
Why he so focus on me!

But again it's my beautiful day! List 3 suceed!
And now it's times for foods!


Elisa pov:

Damn you Ria most amazing falling style?

While it's her most beautiful day, it's actually one of my most unforgettable day in my life.
Who  can easily forget when you're falling I mean rolling on the mountain and tragically landing on the ground face First?

Thanks god there's big rocks there or else I'll already reach down there early but lifeless.
That was the day that I experienced the most soared and exhausted day ever!

I hate mountain or whatever hill and don't bring me to do any mountains activity.
What? don't judge me guys. I almost dead once, and I don't see any reason for me to experiences the second or third one.

The only thing that I love about mountain is the view. Ok stop quit talking about mountain. It bring a shiver down my spine.

Thankfully later that night we were served with foods and relaxing bath.

But still, I miss this moments so bad but not the mountains.

I miss the laugh we all shared and the jokes we laugh at the whole day making our stomach pain just because of laughing at stupid things.

I remember clearly when we sat together at the beach at night in a big circle, fire in the middle laughing and talking, the sound of guitar were strums, the sounds of crickets and the sea.


Everyone face was light up it's just beautiful how we looked like we leaved in that moment and never gets old.

"Tonight, we are young so let's see the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun..."

That lyrics still sticked on my mind. The song that we sang happily that night was just so meaningful.

I hope we can go back to that day again, and live the moments.

No worries no tears.

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