Chapter 27

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It's been 2 weeks Felly in our school and we actually getting used of her craziness. It feels so good to add another person in our 'Bff group'. Ya' know girls.

Yeah it's officially Felly is our bestfriend. Eventhough im still attached to Elisa im feeling thankful having new friends. Im getting used having only Elisa by myself since kindergarten.

When im 12 I met Meghan and we became closed but not as closed as im with Elisa.
She my everything. Now I met Felly and we became friend too!

I hope they'll take care of each other when im gone.

Well today in Mathematics class Elisa and Felly acting a little bit weird. I mean Elisa acting more weird.


I arrived early to class. Only a few students in the class though. I checked my phone we still got 10 minutes before the class start. No wonder.

Elisa and Felly not in the class yet. I didn't saw them both this morning too. I saw meghan but she's busy with Alex, her boyfriend.

I take out my physics homework and do it because im not done with another 2 questions last night.

Im that kind of person who don't realized my surroundings when im doing something especially when I plugged my earphone in my ear.

I felt a tapped on my shoulder and I suddenly stopped my hand from writing and unplugged my earphone.
I thought It was Elisa but no. It is not. Wanna know who? It's Dylan.

"Um er...Hey Dylan."
I awkwardly waved my hand at him.

"Hey Ria."
He replied me with a smile.

"Um can I help you?"
I asked him while I lifted my left brow.

"Oh yeah ,yeah wondering if I can have this seat?"
He pointed at the empty seat beside me that usually was taken by Elisa or Felly.

I mean they always fight to have this seat. They could killed just to sit beside me. So usually one of them will ended sitting behind me. Of course with a pouted mouth, but not when they end up sat beside Meghan.

Meghan? She's sitting everywhere. I guess she can't focused when she sat beside those both especially Felly.Poor Meggy.

"Im sorry but usually Elisa or Felly will sit here. If you can have a deal with them maybe you can sit here." I laughed.

I really hope he didn't sit beside me because I'll be dead. I can't focused!

I realized Dylan eyes was focused behind me with a smirked. Dylan was smirked?

I turn my head and I saw those two evil girls grin at me widely."hi Ria" they wave in sync.

"Dylan can sit there you know. I guess me and Felly should have a break from fight over that seat. Or maybe we should let Dylan sit there start from today."
Elisa said confidently while Felly nod her head in agreement.

I really felt like killing them both!

I saw Dylan turn his head to me again with a hope smile on his face.

"Okay then Dylan, seems you can sit here." I pointed to the sit beside me.

Without hesitation he put his bag on the chair and sit  beside me.

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