Chapter 31

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I am seriously amazed because I never knew that Dylan can play a guitar.
Yesterday was our last night at Alex family resort.
I was shocked when it suddenly became silence but a sound of guitar strums.

Everyone stop from eating their roasted marshmallow and talking when they heard a guitar strumming followed by those masculine voice sang 'we are young' by Fun. One of my favourite song!

I almost fainted watching my boy. I mean watching him. He just so cool!
I always had an obssesion with cute guys who can play guitar.
Yep that one of my weirdness. Gosh.

Later everyone claps their hands together with the song rhythm.
And I don't know how I actually started sang the song together with Dylan.

" tonight we are young...
so if by the time the bar closes and you feel like falling down I'll carry you home tonight".

It was so much fun singing my favourite song with my favourite person. I seriously forgot about my lacked of confidence with my singing ability.

Music really soothed me and make me relaxed all the time.
When im so sick of this world, music is my escaped route from reality for a while.

When the song ended.
Everyone clap their hands and kept talking about me and Dylan could make a good duet on the stage. Hell no. I mean I don't know. Can we?

Later that night we continue sang till the dawn. Yeah we almost forget we supposed to slept.
I hope today won't coming so yesterday night stay.
I love how everyone become so closed with each other in this simple event.

Well, I almost forgot about what Elisa told me just now.
It's about the talent competition that was open for our school students. 

She been pushing me to do this ever since we in elementary school.
But I never ever done this. NEVER.

But I know I wanted to do this so bad but im just too shy and lack of confidence with myself somehow.
I can play guitar and sing though.
Not so perfect but that's the talent that I'd been kept from everyone else.
Except my families and my close friends.

Elisa do suggested me duet with Dylan.
But I guess he won't do that. I mean he won't singing on the stage just because I wanted him too. Im not that special though.

So I guess I tried my best on the audition then. It's the least I can do to make Elisa, Meghan, Felly and my family happy and smile.

And by the way it's my fourth list though. Gosh I almost forget if I don't rechecked it! Phew.

Im going to the audition then next monday. I am so freakingly shaky shaky now.

Wish me luck Diary!


Elisa pov:

When she and Dylan sang together that night everyone was amazed because their amazing voices. 
We secretly ship them together.
They could make an amazing collab together.

I have been told Ria to join the talent competition since we in elementary school. I remember once when we were 11.
We both were in the choir team back then.

The teacher always pushed her to let out her voices but she always faked a cough and shaked her head. But one day we both practiced and memorized the lyrics together.

Gosh her voices was amazing. It's just so unique!

So I been encouraged her to showed her talent in the talent competitions since that day.

But she always do the 'talk to my hand' gestured with those annoyed eyes roll.

But I never knew she actually been kept the thought of took part in that talent competition one day.


Sorry short chapter guys! This story will reached it ends soon!  Maybe...😜


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