Chapter 18

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'Wise man say,only fool rush in,but I can't help falling in love with you'
   -Elvis Presley

  Those lyrics kept playing in my mind since last night. Im a fool then? Because I am rushing in, my feelings.

I felt like laughed when I realized this thing.

Im not a fan of letting my heart affected myself. But I don't know why I felt so hurt and restless.

I don't want to see them tommorow. I really don't want to see them tommorow.

Deep in my heart I knew that I don't hate them. God created us,evenly.So,there's no reason for me to think that im better than them.

But In order to cure a wound, we don't want to exposed it to a possibility that will caused another injury.
They'll caused so much pain.

But yeah I knew it I'll be okay soon. Aren't Im a strong girl? I've been overcome a lot of things emotionally since im young, So I guess I can manage to do this.

Give me a couples of day, and I'll be fine. Maybe.

Im shocked because I've finished my homework early. And now, I've nothing to do.
I can turn to a nerd if I really wanted to. haha

Well  whatever. I don't know what to write more Diary. My mind is empty right now.

but I'd only thinking about one thing.

Ice-cream is my new boyfriend! haha.


Elisa pov:

She started writing song lyrics in her diary. We both love 'Cant help falling in Love' by Elvis Presley.

Poor Ria. She's indeed a strong girl.

Always the strong one.

I can't believed it, she's so broken back then but I got shocked when I saw her in school a weeks after this.

She's turning crazy! I mean an amazing way of crazy.


Oh boy! Ria turning crazy soon😱 what kind of crazy do you think it will be😉😉😂😂

ask Elisa to read fast! So we can see the story too.😂

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