Chapter 36

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Seven:stargazing in a tent

Guys! Anyone free on this weekends? -Ria

Im free!-Felly

You're free because you are single haha-Meggy

Boyfriend is boring-Felly

You mean you are boring-Meggy

What Ria, another pranking?-Elisa

I'll kill you Meghan!-Felly

Nope, you are madly in love with me to do so Fel. -Meggy

Guys! Im still here!-Ria

Lol yes Ria im free-Felly

Im not that free but anything for you princess.

Aww meggy love -Ria

I guess im not busy too -Elisa

Great! How about we spend our saturday night in the Swars. -Ria

Swars? What the hell is that? Is that the short name for star wars? -Felly

Pffft Fel you're stupid-Meggy

It's the place where people spend time with stargazing activity. We can bring our own tent or matt there -Elisa

Ouh xD-Felly

So anyone agree to join me-Ria

Who else coming?-Meghan

My family and I and for now you guys -Ria

Im in! -Felly

You guys can bring someone else too. We'll having a small barbeque party and spend the rest of the night under the stars-Ria

I'll bring myself -Felly

Stop telling us how lonely you are Fel you should dating Shawn. -Meggy

Shut up Meg-Felly

I guess I'll go-Elisa

Me too-meggy

Great! -Ria

When I asked the girls if they wanna join me and my family weekend activity they all agree to join.
Actually im the one who desperately, I mean a little bit pushing my father to come here.

Tonight is my  greatest night ever.

Mom and Felly both work on the foods.
Mom and Felly were such an amazing duo in barbeque. The food is smells so good!

Mike and Drake set up the tent. 3 tents in total.
1 for my parents and 1 for my siblings and the third one is for me and the girls!

Meghan and Elisa arranging the cutlery and plate on the picnic mat on the greeny grass, while dad had a great time with his drone. Ugh dad nowadays.

Me? Well im currently sitting on the park bench writing on my diary.
It's 5.30 pm and it quite dark. Dad already parked his truck near the tent. In case it too dark, then he'll just start the engine and we'll have a light.

The sky today look stunning though. The clouds and the sunset really calm me down. I can't wait to see the stars when night time came. Perfect!

So I can say list number sixth, done!

Having them here,watching the peoples that I love so much making me happy. Im not the happiest girl in the world but I know im still a happy girl.


Elisa pov:

That night was super duper amazing! I still can recall the moments there. We laying under the sea of stars at the sky. Ria layed down between me and Felly. Meghan layed beside Felly.

We are so mesmerized by the stars. It so calming and relaxing.

We had seen a shooting stars for a few times. Each of us making a wish when we saw the stars. I knew it sounded childish but it is not wrong to hope something good to happen right?

"Twinle twinkle little star-"

"Shut up Fel! You're making my ears bleeding!"

I still can remember when Felly suddenly sang twinkle twinkle little star song, and Meghan trying to stop her. But everyone end up to sang along with her for like I don't know how many times.

Coming to Swars already one of our routine with the girls every year. More specifically every time it's Ria birthday. It's one of her last wish.

"I hope we can come here again together, still as a friends one day!"

"Sure Ria! We have to!"

Felly giggles.

We came there every year Ria. But you not there. But like you say we still friends.

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