Chapter 7

44 4 7

June 2,2015

So today we making a progress. Specifically I am making a progress. haha. Laugh at me diary laugh.

The best part of the day today is Dylan talking to me like we're old friend. I can't believe he is the sweetest guy I've ever met in my life. He talking with full manners and his smiles though it's contagious.

Our conversation today still rang in my head...
"You doing great in your role. It's the hardest role you know".
"Oh thank you! So much"
I reply. "I still wondering if I can memorized all my part. Im so nervous because I realized I had a big responsibilities in the team."
He smiled and said, "you fit perfectly with the roled though".

I am blushed seeing his smile. And guess what I let out a giggles. I giggles like a girl. I mean a girl girls. You get that right.

So we became a friend in one day. Im so happy because finally my dream Come true. Okay noted the sarcasm.

Well today my main story is about Elisa though. I can't believe it she is dating Henry John Maxwell.
He is our classmates since freshmen. And guess what? They've been dating for 2 weeks now.

I felt like wrapped her with the giant dried seaweed and rolled her like the japanese made a sushi. Hell! she didn't told me.

So, what she told me that she had a crush on John since she is 12, he is her first love I guess. And yeah we used to call him by his middle name if you realized.

But, let me tell you this I dont like that Henry boy.
Yes, he is what you called a kind hearted and smart boy who always got A's in Maths and Science and every subject. But one thing you should know about this guy, he is the school biggest player.

If he dare to hurt Elisa I'll kicked him on his butt.What? All I knew about him is he kept change girlfriends almost every months. He use his charming to make girl drooling over him.Shit. Thanks god im not one of them. But I warned you one more time Henry. Hurt her and I'll kicked you, I am not jocking when I said this.

I knew I am not brave enough to tell this to him though,but I told you Diary.Haha


Elisa pov:

This story make me think back how stupid I am before. I can't believe I am dating with Henry back then, even though I knew he is a player. Pathetic heart. I loved him so bad before, I don't care what people said. I been blinded by the idea of loving him. He care for me and his sweet words soothing me all the time.

I miss the moments he played instruments for me. The way he moved his hands and the way he looked when he was focused on the melody, He looked like a different person, he looked free in his soul and mind. And that's what make me fall deeply to him.

To think back, It's been a long time I did't heard about him. I'd been wondering How he was doing now. Well, I knew I still cared about him. As a friend, of course.

Ria care for me so much back then, that she telling me about kicking his butt once,when I had fight with John. But I laugh at her and told her everything is going to be fine.

I knew Ria don't like this boy from the beginning. But she kept silent and respected my choice. But in the end, I knew who end up to be hurt. It's me.

People said first love is the hardest and hurts to forget the most. And yes, it's true after all.
But, It's my past now. I am happy I can finally moved on.

This chapter dedicated to my best friend Luswie_

Hi im back!! Sorry it's been a while eh I don't update hehe 😘

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