Chapter 28

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Two: Disguise as a boy.

Im calling Elisa telling her that im going to disguise as a boy for a week and im asking some help from her. My ears almost bleeding when she scream on the phone.
"What the hell are you thinking Ria! Are you into girl now?"

"Pffftt  before you make any further assumptions no! hell no! Im not into girls.
The hell Lisa im straight! as straight as the pole!"
I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks god! I thought you're too dissappointed over Dylan that you lose hope in boys."
she chuckles. Damn Lisa!

"It's not about Dylan. And there's no Dylan in this story please. Im having headache talking about him!"

"Probably because you're sickly in love with him."
she said it in a sing song tone. I can tell she sticked her tounge out.

"Whatever Lisa. So im asking again are you going to help me or not?" I let out a sigh.

"Before I tell you any answer can I asked you why? Where did you got this idea from?"

So I end up telling her that I really wanted to see peoples reaction if I was a boy.
I was surrounded with boys since I was a kid so I always wanted to dress as one and act like one even for a week. Yeah I know I know im weird. You don't have to tell me that. Tsk   

"Okay craze! im helping you what do you want me to do actually?"

"Pretended that I was your cousin came from the city to pay a visit to your family. So you have to always stay by my side okay."

"Okay. I get it. I know how to make a story! Im so excited!"
Woah say who?

"Any questions lisa."

"Um when we'll going to start this Disguise plan or whatever you called it?"

"Of course tommorow."

"Oh shit! im going to write an essay about our story then! Lol. bye"  
She's crazy.

"Bye! thanks Lisa. Love ya! and oh yeah I'll send you the picture of me as a 'boy' so that you can get familiar with me tommorow at school."

"Yeah you have to!"
And she gone from the line. Phew.

I had send her my photo an hour after that phone call, in whatapps and her reaction was hilarious.

Lisa♡- "oh my gosh Ria!!! are you sure you're a girl?"

Riaa- "yeah why not."

Lisa♡- "because you look like a damn cute teenage boy!"

Riaa- "Wow easy there! Just dont fall for me okay. 😜"                                     

Lisa♡- "I tried too! Lol you're so cute! Guess girls will surround you Ria😍. Oh by the way what is your disguise name? You better come out with a good one!"

Riaa- "tsk. It's Riley."

Lisa♡- okay Riley is cool.😎"

*At school story*

"Hi Mrs. Smith. Im bringing my cousin Riley here today because he was came alone visiting me from Arraway city that sh- I mean he will be alone and boring at home so I decided to bring him to the school because we only have like 2 days of school this week before 5 days of school break.
So I think why not he attended the school with me for 2 days."

Elisa said to Mrs. Smith politely, when Mrs. Smith asked Elisa who is the person sat beside her when she entered the class this morning.

But woah! Elisa quite amazing though in making up a story and acted! Because Mrs. Smith seem to buy by her explainations or it just because she excited adding another kid in her Chemistry Class.

"Hello mrs. Smith im Riley." I said tried to sound awkward but polite at the same times.

"Well Hello Riley, Im the Chemistry teacher here. you can join our class then. Maybe it's fine right, with some works? because no way im letting you sit and only watch around."

she said with a smirk. Damn!

"Sure! Why not I love Chemistry!"
I said it, tried to be  happy. You should be thanked Mrs. Smith that I love Chemistry eventhough I don't like you.

"Say the nerd." I elbowed Elisa.

I watched my surroundings and I realized everyone give a stared on me. Some girls was giggles and wave their hand, flirty on me. Oh boy!

So this is what happen to me if im a boy?

"By the way where's my favourite girl?" Mrs. Smith suddenlly speaks.
Reffered me as her favourite girl. Im so happy.

Note the sarcasm.

I heard Elisa muttered something bad before she said, "oh yeah, um Ria said she cannot make to the school because she having a terrible headache again this morning."

Know almost all the teachers who teachs us knew about my 'headache' problem.

"Oh I see. Poor Ria I hope she get better soon."

If only I can get better Mrs.Smith. But thank you. I said it in my mind.

When the bell for lunch rang, A few girls started to talked to me like 'hi! Riley','hey, you're so cute!'and I got a few offers like 'Wanna join us at lunch' and 'lunch together?'

But im kinda nervous because I saw Dylan give me a few glances. I can tell he also realized something.

But the worst things is, Felly and Meghan. They never stop giving me a suspicious looks.
They give me a daggered stared like trying to get my soul. They're so creepy. I knew it they realized something.

Sooner they'll find out by themself eventually. So let it be.


Elisa pov:

Another definition for Ria was crazy.
I still can't believe im actually agreed to help cover her as Riley.

But hell yeah! that was one amazing yet crazy moments we do together!
She's good though at acted! acting all cute as an innocence small teenage boy.

And I can't believed but girls actually had grow a feelings towards so called 'Riley'.

Poor girls.

What a bad bad bad girl Ria.


Hey guys! Sorry for this really really late update😅.

But hey Ria is back! Enjoy.😉

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