Chapter 1

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Elisa pov:

I closed the box and go to sleep. I want to explored more but I need to go to school tommorow. I know its all written in that diary of her.

" The diary of the happy girl" I read the title she give to her diary. I was curious when I saw the red bookmark was put in the middle page of the book.
The page dont have any specific title, but the date.
It's 2015? she wrote it 2 years back.
I slowly read as it says;


May 20,2015:
I saw him again. I saw him again today. He look like an angel in my eyes. I saw him walking in the school balcony with his friend.

I can't take off my eyes from that beautiful and charming smile of him.
well if someone saw what im doing they'll think im a creepy stalker.Because, who standing like a statue while lift up their head to staring at a cute boy? Well, its me haha.

Opps diary baby, I forgot to told you who is him.
He is the new student from The city that move to our school since last week.

But so bad he won't notice me though. And guess what, I dont know what is his name. But I promise I 'll find out about this guy soon.
Because this is Ria, im a profesional stalker hahaha.(don't roll your eyes because I'm expert baby *wink*)
Ok bye.I gotta go to sleep school is tommorow.I need energy to stalked people hehe.


Elisa pov:

Gosh I can't believe she is my best friend.She wrote this weird thing too in her diary.Plus she talking to her diary like they're a best cute.
Who knows she actually had a crush on that boy since she saw him for the first time.

But guess what, she never admitted it until that day. Yeah that day which full of confession. okay forget about it.
I bet she wrote that one too in her diary.
I can't wait to know her view point about that day.

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