Chapter 23

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I didn't go to school yesterday. I felt so tired and my mind was so empty. Don't let me start about my head.It's so hurt. Thanks god I got a painkiller drug to help me reduces this pain so I can rest.  

So yeah finally I tell  mum and dad about my choice.
For once dad didn't leaved this house in the morning. I realized he been absent from work since Thursday.

I tell mum and dad that I don't want to do the surgery. They seem to agree with me. They realized this is the wise choice because we cannot be sure if I will survive even if I agree with the surgery.

But still, mum looked liked she's been out of sleep for year this morning. I knew she been worried about me since last week.
Dad? He looked like he's been murdered someone. There's eyebag under his eyes. He looked like dead inside.
Im so sad watched my parents looked like this.


Last night, Drake my older brother came to my room, and he pulled me into his tight and warm embraces.
We probably stayed like that for more than 10 minutes without saying any words.
I can felt his tears on my back. My shirt was wet from his tears.

I was crying too. But not too long.
It's not like I got a warm hug from my brother everyday and this kind of thing was rare between us. So I want to enjoy the moments with smile.

Drake whispered something to me with his hoarse voice.
"im so sorry sister I always pissed you off. But you know I always love you my short sister"
he chuckled on his last sentence.

I just smile on his chest and whispered,
"I love you too". 
   Soon he leaved my room and I am alone again. I heard a loud knocked on my door.
Sure I knew who's there. Later I saw my younger brother came.

He showed his famous toothy grin to me. He his the cutest human being that I 've ever have.
He always pissed me off but his smile though, melting my heart.

Im sure he'll catch a thousand heart when he grown up. Mike is 13 but he always acted like he older than me, because he is taller.

Gosh! I can't believed kids nowadays grown up so fast. Last month I realized I was under his ear already.
Officially I am the shortest in my family then.

He came to my room and locked my door on the process. I raised my right eyebrow and just watch his action.
Suddenly he take out two cans of cold soda from his pants.
He learn hide things in pants from me haha.

Stupid sister.

He grin at me and passed me one of the can. He is crazy like me. If you wonder who my partner in crime? Yes! It's Mike.

"Mikey! What did you do? oh my goodness! you know that mum don't allowed us to drink soda past 10 p.m. right, now is 11 p.m. already."

He then replied me with his innocent face
"im just bringing something for my crazy sister"  

The prince of poker face.

"Mum!Mikey is drin..."
he jump infront of me and put his palm on my mouth.

"Ugh shut up! It's just a drink sister.Stop complaining!"
he said as he open the can and take a sip from it.
I just chuckled and Sticked my tounge to his direction.
I've no mood for soda so I just put the can on my table.

"You know sister I missed the time when we always do crazy thing together. I can't imagine when I don't have you anymore."
He started to cried.
"What will I do without you Ria"
"Awww my baby boy was in a touchy touchy mode right now" I was trying to light up the mood.

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