Chapter 17

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Four days had gone and now we're in friday. 2 days more and we'll be back to school again.

I started to hope that school won't come soon. I don't want to encountered fakeness.

My day was all the same before I saw something that really make my heart ached last night.
The 'whatsapp' group, they kept talking about the new couple.

They really are busy body in someone else's business though.
That's what I thought before I realized that they were talking about that Ayla girl who got her new boyfriend.
And she pretended to not admitted it at first.

But later, one of  the boys I knew him, He is Roland. He mentioning Dylan in the conversation.
He said "Dylan where are you? Your girlfriend is waiting for you"

And Ayla replied him said "Roland stop that,don't make it obvious, he will get shy".

Firtsly I think this is a stupid pranks or a jokes. But no! it's not.

Because later on, one of my classmates mentioned a heart break conffesion for me in the group,

"congrats Ayla and Dylan!"
She's Demi and she was so closed to Ayla so I knew it, what she mean.

Ayla replied though, "aww thank you sissy! You make it obvious. But it all because of you! Love ya"

  So I can tell Demi had become a big supporter to Ayla to encouraged Dylan, accepting the Bitch!

All of them are bitch.

Later on many of them started to send an applaused emoji👏 and congratulated Ayla and Dylan.

Dylan? I don't know where he is.

Because im so pissed off of him I don't care anymore. I was wrong after all. I thought he likes me.

I thought his eyes, hi...s eyes...
but I am wrong.
I can't believe he like someone like Ayla.


Elisa pov:

I was freaked out reading the conversation in that  'whatsapp' group that night. I checked on Ria, and shit she was online, so yeah she read it.

I am so mad at Dylan. I thought we were closed enough as a friend but why he didn't bother to tell me that first!

that's why I am privated message asked him About the things in that group.

I remember what he told me. I can felt it though, he felt so guilty.

"Lisa I wanted to tell you something but promise me you won't tell anyone else especially Ria okay"
he reply me.

"Um okay I promise. So what was that?" I am so curious when he said he wanted to tell me something.

"I like Ria."

I was so mad reading his replied in that moments.

So I replied him harshly. Poor Dylan.
"So why did you dating Ayla! If you really like Ria you can't do that! You know what! maybe she likes you too but now when she founds out what happen she won't accept you anymore" 

"Lisa im so sorry I didn't meant to make you mad at me. I knew I was wrong but I felt guilty to Ayla you know."

I replied "so you don't felt guilty of Ria?"

He then replied that he felt so guilty of Ria. But He said 2 days before Demi Had privated message him telling him that Ayla was so embarrased about her confession in the group. what a bitch.
She also tell him that Ayla really like him and she want Dylan to become her boyfriend so bad.

I remember What Dylan said later.

"I don't want to hurt her feelings by rejecting her on the spot Lisa. I knew I don't like her but I got no choice but to accept her for now. I don't want to cause her to felt sad because of this little things"

I realized how pure his intention is. He really a true gentleman. He don't like Ayla but he still accept her to be his girlfriend because he want to make her happy.
"Ok Dylan I trust you Im sorry too im overreacted"

But what drive me crazy is Ria also chatting with me in 'whatsapp' telling me how she was so wrong when she likes Dylan. She's broken,while I knew the real story.
I can't tell her because I've made a promised with Dylan that day.

"I'll moved on Elisa. I won't trusted my heart anymore. Thanks be there for me, listening to my story. Night~"
Her last text that night really make me felt so bad about her.
I am in the middle of two broken hearts.

I remember my life was surrounded by their drama back then.


Dylan the heartbreaker💔 ! who is the real bitch now😱
Poor Ria.😢

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