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Yoongi sat besides Taehyung gulping on his banana milkshake while the younger spoke "I've talked to him only thrice."

Yoongi kept his drink aside and looked at his friend, "Do you like him?" Asked the elder.

"No... obviously not" Taehyung looked at his burger that was still untouched and sighed, "I don't want to talk to him because he's my cousin's ex, and I think he's just gonna use me to make him jealous. Or maybe, because I look a little similar to my cousin."

"If that's the case, i dont see why you're still talking to him. You shouldn't have sexted him on the first place." Yoongi sighed heavily.

"I know, I know, it's soo... fucked up.... aishhhh" Taehyung pulled on his hair.

"Listen Tae, I think it would be cool if you just block him on Instagram. End of the chapter." Yoongi said

Taehyung nodded as they both got off of their seats and made their way out of the canteen area, Taehyung kept the wrapped burger in his bag and zipped it.

"Watch it" Yoongi yelled, but it was obviously too late as he saw his friend stumble over a banana peel and fall down. Everyone diverted their attention towards the fallen boy, yoongi saw few of them giggling while few taking pictures of Taehyung.

He helped his friend up and they both left the canteen and made their way towards their next classes.

"That was embarrassing." Taehyung finally spoke looking at his fingers as his cheeks burned from embarrassment.

Yoongi didn't reply but put his hands on his friends shoulder to comfort him.

"Isn't that the same guy?"

"He's so ugly, eww"

"Omg is he gay as well?"

"He's so disgusting"

Many comments were passed through the students in the school corridors, Taehyung looked at Yoongi and the elder did the same, both unaware about the situation.

There was a ding on Yoongi's phone indicating that he just received a message.

Yoongi's eyes widened in shock as he saw the message. It was a picture of Taehyung on the floor, which probably was taken a while ago. His face was twisted, hair in air, and his hand on his butt. "When daddy fucks your virgin ugly ass" was written in bold on the top of the picture. There was a drawing of dick near Taehyung's bent ass which was leaking white liquid.

Yoongi heard Tae gasp, he instantly switched his cellphone off and looked at his friend wishing he didn't see it, but obviously he had.

Yoongi was quite taken back when he saw the boy smile, "it's okay, lets go." The sadness in his voice was visible, but he didn't let it show on his face.

"I'll meet you after school, yeah?" Yoongi said as he looked at his friend concerned, Taehyung nodded and made his way towards his math class.

When he finally reached his class he took a long breath before entering. He was welcomed with loud boooooos and paper balls.

"You're disgusting"

"You're ugly"

"Stop thinking that you're famous."

Taehyung tried to not react until a wet paper ball hit him on his face. It was soaked with the guys saliva who threw it. Taehyung was close to tear apart when he saw what was written on the board "GAYS DONT DESERVE TO LIVE" he had had enough, he stormed out of the class and was soon out of the school premises.

Why me? Why always me?

He cried as he unlocked his car and sat inside breathing heavily.

Having a famous cousin was not at all good for him, especially when his cousin was gay himself. He had always heard bitter comments about him and his cousin fucking each other, but never let it bother him. He always kept it away from his beloved cousin that he used to get bullied.

Having a cousin who was famous and gay was making his life more miserable. Every time fanwars took place, Taehyung used to get in trouble. The anti fans shaded on Taehyung instead, and threw bitter comments on the poor guy.

Taehyung was about to start his car when a ding on his phone snatched his attention.

He looked at his phone and sighed heavily.

Not him again.

He took his phone and did what he thought was right at the moment.

Block Jeonjungkook

The user is now blocked

Haha this story is a flop, no one wants to read it :")

Yet would like to say that if you're reading this then know that I 💜 YOU

Yet would like to say that if you're reading this then know that I 💜 YOU

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