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{Someone told me that it was confusing about who's texting whom, especially the 'you' I use, so I'm gonna clarify it from now on :) }

*Taehyung is texting Yoongi*
You: Taehyung


Tae... we need to talk

What is it?

Baekhyun called, he told me everything

Yoongi hyung..... let's not talk about it, please

Tae WTF, do you know how difficult it is for me right now? How can you hide such a thing from your best friend? How long have you been hiding it from me? From Baekhyun? HOW LONG?

Let's go out hyung, I'm craving strawberry milkshake

Tae... please.... I've never felt so weak, we need to talk. Just... please

Hyung, I really don't want to talk about it. Let's continue like everything is normal, cause hell it is... I WANNA HAVE STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE

Okay, I'm on my way.

And Tae

I love you ❤️

I love you too, hyung ❤️
Delivered 7:43pm

I actually wanna continue with gifs, but I still don't know if y'all like it or not.... should I continue with only memes?

Enjoy some cute vkook gifs though

Enjoy some cute vkook gifs though

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Boyfriends :")

Boyfriends :")

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Have a lovely day 💜

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