{Someone told me that it was confusing about who's texting whom, especially the 'you' I use, so I'm gonna clarify it from now on :) }
*Taehyung is texting Yoongi* You: Taehyung
Yoongi💜 Tae... we need to talk
You What is it?
Yoongi💜 Baekhyun called, he told me everything
You Yoongi hyung..... let's not talk about it, please
Yoongi💜 Tae WTF, do you know how difficult it is for me right now? How can you hide such a thing from your best friend? How long have you been hiding it from me? From Baekhyun? HOW LONG?
You Let's go out hyung, I'm craving strawberry milkshake
Yoongi💜 Tae... please.... I've never felt so weak, we need to talk. Just... please
You Hyung, I really don't want to talk about it. Let's continue like everything is normal, cause hell it is... I WANNA HAVE STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE
Yoongi💜 Okay, I'm on my way.
And Tae
I love you ❤️
You I love you too, hyung ❤️ Delivered 7:43pm ___________________________
I actually wanna continue with gifs, but I still don't know if y'all like it or not.... should I continue with only memes?
Enjoy some cute vkook gifs though
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Boyfriends :")
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