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Jungkook's p.o.v

Taehyung was puking blood

He looked so weak. And now when I think about it I realise he literally went okay in a minute, like nothing happened.

He told me that he was okay and was probably puking because of overconsumption of alcohol, who would actually believe that? I mean you just don't puke all red blood because of alcohol, atleast not until your lungs are okay.

You worry me a lot Taehyung

The most shocking thing yet is that he literally made everyone believe that he was okay, not like they knew about him puking blood. I didn't tell anyone either, he asked me not to, so..

I wanted to stay back and make sure that he was really doing okay, but he obviously pushed me away.

Taehyung, oh Taehyung... please tell me what's wrong.

My thoughts were cut off by the sudden noise of my cellphone ringing, I pulled the phone out of my jeans pocket and swiped the green button seeing it was hoseok hyung who was calling.

"Jungkookie, are you home?" His enthusiastic voice boomed through the phone


"Then open the door, I'm outside and this bitch ass guard wouldn't let me in." This hyung.

"Go away hyung, I'm busy."

"Stop being so cold all the fucking time Jungkook, I have something to tell you."


"Then tell me."

"It's about Taehyung." I jumped out of the bed and walked to the balcony. I saw hoseok hyung on the ground floor outside my mansion waving at me.

"Let him in." I yelled, the guard looked at me and let hyung come in before bowing in my direction.

"JUNGKOOKIE." What the fuck

I jumped back at the sudden noice and walked out of the balcony looking at the figure standing on the door frame.

How the fuck did he climb two floors so fast?

"Hyung... you scared me." I removed my hand from above my heart and looked at his shocked expression.

"What is it?" I followed the direction of his gaze and frowned when I saw what was he looking at.


"I thought you stopped sleeping around." He looked at me and then at the half naked girl laying on my bed. I covered her half exposed body with a blanket and walked out of the room, hoseok hyung followed me as he closed the bedroom door

"I thought you were serious about Taehyung."

"What's all this kookie?" Sigh

I was drunk, emotional, betrayed last night so I called my friend and we had dog sex, no biggie

"Jungkook, I.. I thought you were changing, in a good way." Stop talking

"You were going to tell me something about Taehyung, right?" I removed a packet of cigarettes from my back pocket and lit one before placing it between my lips.

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