The Beginning

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"Partying, dating, skipping class... Is that what you do with your life?!" Dad shouted at me but I couldn't care less

None of this would happen if they were always by my side instead of being on business trips and leaving me in our mansion.

"If you keep this up Sana, you won't like the consequences." He said seriously while pointing his index finger to me and then he walked out

See? That's all he did after finding out all my wrong doings.

"Sana, baby... You can tell me what's wrong..."

"Nothing mom." I said and went upstairs to my room

Mom isn't much of a help either, all she do is comfort me and take me to the mall. Unlike Dad that is hard to please, Mom is always kind no matter what I do to the point that even I find it annoying. Like hell, they don't even know what I need, are they really my parents?

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, changed to my pajama and then I slept. ZZZzzz.


I was on my way to my room and saw Momo. My best friend and just like me, she also have a parents problem.

"Hey Squirrel." She greeted. "I heard your folks came back, nothing bad happened?"

I shook my head to her question. "I was expecting something bad to happen but nuh-uh."

When we reached our room, we quickly dropped our bags to our chairs and went to the rooftop just like how we usually do.

"Your folks are in town and yet you're still skipping class. I salute you!" She said and saluted in front of me

"Shut up Momo. Maybe after this, Dad will finally make his move." I stated. "He warned me last night that if I keep this up, I won't like the consequences."

"Ooh, did you take it seriously?" Momo asked, anticipating my story

I chuckled bitterly. "The last consequences I got from him was, he made me break up with my girlfriend, and he banned me from using gadgets for a month."

"What a very caring father you got there..." She said and took out snacks from our box

We always leave a box here full of snacks as Momo is always hungry.

"Give me some!" I shouted at her and she threw me a potato chips

I opened it and started eating it.

Just another ordinary day...

After I ate it, I laid down, using Momo's lap as my pillow and slept. ZZZzzz.


"Hey Sana... Sana!"

I woke up because of Momo's calling.

"It's lunch break already. Didn't you sleep well last night?" Momo asked with a worried face

I smiled. It's nice to have someone who worries about you.

"Come on, let's just eat." I just said

We stood up and went to the cafeteria.

We ordered food and sat in the table near us.

"Itadakimasu!" We both said and started eating

"Holy shit. Thomas and friends at 3 o'clock." Momo cursed

When she said Thomas and friends, she meant Jihyo, the kind and loving SSG president and her co-officers which are Jeongyeon, the always nagging vice president and Nayeon, the always pretty secretary.

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