Boss Yugyeom

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"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" I flinched when I heard Yugyeom's voice and I almost fell from my seat

"Where are we?" Mina asked as she rubbed her eyes

"Just get out of the car everyone." Yugyeom said, full of authority

We get out of the car, just like what he said and a private jet greeted us along with two men guarding it.

"Good evening Sir." They greeted Yugyeom in unison and bowed to him

"Good evening. Is everything prepared?" Yugyeom asked

"Yes Sir. The three houses are now cleaned with complete furniture and appliances. Clothes, foods, ingredients and everything you asked are also there. Everything is set."

"Good. Get the stuffs in the car. Thanks." He gave the key to the guy and faced us. "Now let's go."

He motioned us to follow him and we did. We went inside the private jet and took our seats.

"I didn't know that you own a private jet oppa." Dahyun said in amazement as she look around the private jet

"There's a lot of things that you don't know about me Dahyun-ah." Yugyeom smirked at her

The private jet took off and everyone was quiet until I decided to break the silence.

"Jihyo-ah, how did you and Mina ended up living together in one unit? Did you kidnapped her or something?"

"No, it's nothing like that. It's because I asked Jihyo for help." Mina defended her while waving her hand

"What help exactly?" I asked and squinted my eyes to her

"Well... My grandfather passed away. I had no one at that time. I can't call any of you because I was avoiding you so I just called Jihyo and she helped me with everything."

My heart ached at her answer. So those times when we weren't together was hard on her too. We needed each other, but we just couldn't do anything.

Jihyo cleared her throat, trying to make the awkward atmosphere go away.

"So Yugyeom, what are your plans when we reach US?" She asked

"Well first, I'll give you jobs. I'm still your boss."

Everyone groaned in a complaining tone in Yugyeom's answer.

"Hey, I can't raise you like my children!"

"Appa!" Chaeyoung called him and showed him her aegyo

Yugyeom blushed at her cuteness while we were laughing our ass off.

"But seriously, don't make us work anymore. We're students, we still have to study!" Tzuyu explained

"Yeah, then maybe after we graduate, we can work in your company!" Dahyun said excitedly

"Don't think about the future too much! Are you forgetting that some of you are 
inheritors of big companies? Your parents may be doing shits right now but trust me, when the time comes, they will come to you and ask you to handle their company. Because they have no choice." Yugyeom said

Silence took over again and Dahyun was the one who broke it this time.

"Will Dad give his company to you or to me?" She asked to Yugyeom

"To you, because I'm already living a life."

"Okay. So don't make us work anymore, please?" I pleaded

"Not making you work is too much!"

"Please." This time, we all pleaded to him

"Stop it!"

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