The Fiance

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It has finally come. Only an hour before the family dinner with the Jeon's. Dad made me wear a black silk dress because he said that the occasion is formal.

"Show some excitement Sana, you're gonna meet your fiance!" Mom cheered and Dad just glanced at me

I took a deep breath and tried not to say anything... I'm gonna do what Tzuyu told me to do... Yep, that yoda girl gave me a plan.

"Come on, let's go already." Dad said. He let Mom passed by him and waited for me to follow Mom. "Sana, go to your Mom."

"Why? Isn't it too early?"

"Stop asking questions and just follow my orders." He put a stress on every word he said

I just followed his orders. At some point, I became nervous because of the tone of his voice. He got angry just because of a question. What more if I do Tzuyu's plan?

I hopped in the black limo beside Mom and Dad followed afterwards. The driver started the engine and the limo started to move.

"When we get there, I want you to behave Sana." Dad suddenly blurted out

I just nodded, even though I know that I will do the opposite.

We reached the said restaurant and went inside.

"Minatozaki Family?" The employee asked and Dad nodded. "Follow me please."

We followed the employee and she lead us to a table for six people and a couple was already sitting there.

"Mr. & Mrs. Jeon!" Dad greeted. They shook hands and the girls hugged each other. They stopped when Mr. & Mrs. Jeon saw me. "Ah, this is Sana. Our daughter."

I smiled and bowed to them.

"What a beautiful young lady." Mrs. Jeon complimented

"Sorry for our son, he's not here yet." Mr. Jeon said

Oh I hope he won't arrive.

We took our seat. The two married couple started talking about their business and plans in the future. I took out my phone and texted Tzuyu.

Tzuyu-ah, we're already in the restaurant.

Good. Just do what I said. Okay?


Are you nervous?

You bet I am. I have never been this scared to my Dad.

Maybe because Mina is involved in here? Just remember that you're doing this for her.

"Mom, Dad. Am I late?"

I hid my phone in my purse and looked at the guy who spoke. He's wearing blue suit. He's oddly pretty but manly too. Cute, but also handsome? He's like a guy who every girl dreams about. But not me...

"You're just in time." His mother told him. "This is our son."

He stretched his hands to my parents. "Jeon Jungkook."

He shook my parents' hands and then turned to me. I was hesitant at first, but I felt Dad's glare so I shook his hands.

"I'm Minatozaki Sana." I introduced myself and let go of his hand

He took his seat in front of me and smiled faintly.

"Shall we order?" Mom asked and they all nodded

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