Hang Out

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The others came and we went inside the mall in pairs. Of course, Momo and Dahyun are together. Tzuyu is with Chaeyoung and Mina is with me, still holding my hand.

"Chaeyoung is so cute, isn't she?" Mina whispered as we walk

I didn't answer and just rolled my eyes. I know I said I'm gonna stop this nonsense but... Ugh! Why is she talking about Chaeyoung when she's with me?!

"Sana, why is your face so red? Are you blushing?" Momo teased

"I'm not blushing! I'm mad! I'm angry!"

"So you are mad. You lied to me at the parking lot." Mina said seriously

Omg. Did I just... Yep, I just spilled everything- nope not everything. My mind is a mess right now!

"I'm not mad or anything. I was lying when I said that I was..." I tried to reason out

She didn't said anything and let go of my hand. So she's ignoring me now?

We just stayed silent and followed the others as they shop.

It's not my fault, right? If she isn't dense about my feelings, this wouldn't happen. If she didn't made me jealous, this wouldn't happen. Or maybe it's my fault for not telling her about my feelings and for being jealous?... I don't know anymore!

"You two are awfully quiet. If you stay like this, you're the one who's gonna pay for all these things." Tzuyu said and motioned her hand to the things that they are buying

"Fine by me." I just said

Tzuyu sighed. She crossed her hands and walked beside me.

"Fuck you Sana. I said that so you two would talk. So that you two will be okay now." She whispered to my ears

"Uhm first, fuck me? You wanna fuck me? I thought we're over that BABY." I teased her by emphasizing the word 'baby.' We used to call each other baby when we were still together. "Second, you don't have to worry, we're okay."

She gripped her hands and glare at me.

"Don't call me baby, unless you mean it." She murmured the last part and I didn't understand it

"What? You're acting weird today Tzuyu."

"N- nothing." She stuttered. The Chou Tzuyu stuttered?! "Just talk you two!"

And then she walked away from us.

"Is it just me or Tzuyu is really acting weird?" Mina said

"She's acting weird." Okay, we just talked... "Uhm, I'm sorry."

She stopped and looked at me. "Then tell me, why were you mad?"

"It's really nothing, okay?" I said and held her hand. "And you're my personal guard, so you shouldn't ignore me."

"Okay, I won't ignore again. Just next time, don't lie to me."

We smiled at each other. I wish we could stay like this forever.

"Done shopping!" Dahyun shouted. "The things that we bought will be delivered in Dad's resort. So, who's up for arcade games?"

"Arcade games?! Sure, let's go!" Mina said excitedly and held my hands tighter because of her excitement

We all went to the arcade and played. I mean, they played. Mina played a video game, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are playing the claw machine and Momo and Dahyun are using the photo booth.

"You're wasting your tokens Chaeng, just give up. You can't get the tiger plushie." I heard Tzuyu said and I turned to them

Chaeyoung pouted and looked at the tiger plushie in the claw machine.

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