Let's Get Married

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3rd Person's POV

The couple walked in the party with their hands intertwined, making everyone know about their relationship.

"Aish, this two really..." Momo said as she saw the couple walking in her table that's full of food

"What? Are you still bitter whenever you see sweet people around you?" Sana asked and laughed when Momo rolled her eyes

Momo just ignored her best friend and took a bite of her beloved jokbal. The couple took their seat beside her and right after that minute, three girls joined them. Sana frowned when she recognized one of them. It was none other than Somi.

"Oh hi Chungha, Doyeon and Somi." Momo greeted the three

"How come you greeted them when you didn't greet us when we came?" Sana asked and pouted at Momo

Momo just rolled her eyes again while Mina giggled at her girlfriend's childish antics.

"Do you know her and her girlfriend?" Momo asked the three and pointed at the couple beside her

"Of course we know who Sana is. But not her girlfriend." Doyeon anwered and looked at Mina

"She's Myoui Mina." Momo introduced her penguin friend and looked at the couple. "And she's Doyeon, one of my best business partners. On her right is Chungha, we were classmates on a dance class before  and you already know Somi."

"Hi..." That's all the girls said to each other

"So who's better in dancing?" Mina asked

Momo and Chungha looked at each other.

"Well... We're just the same, I guess..." Chungha answered unsurely

"Yeah, we're the best dancers! Together with Lisa and Seulgi!" Momo shouted in excitement, remembering some memories

Then they became quiet when the MC spoke on the mic. Everyone listened about a business announcement and after that, business talks began.


"Okay. I'm tired now. That was, I think the 10th person that we talked to?" Sana whined while clinging to Mina

"Let's go back to our table then." Mina said

They walked back to their table. Their hands still intertwined as if they're afraid to let go of each other.

They took their seats. The other girls weren't here. They're busy on their own business.

"Are you ms. Minatozaki?" A girl approached

"Oh please not another business offer." Sana mumbled and Mina hit her shoulder lightly

"Ah yes... I am." Sana answered while caressing her shoulder that Mina hit

The girl took a seat in front of Sana and introduced herself. "I'm Jung Eun-bi and our company wants to discuss you something."

"I need to go to the restroom. Excuse me." Mina stood up but Sana stopped her

"I'll go with you."

"Shut up squirrel and do the business." Then Mina left

Sana cleared her throat. "Continue."

"Our company is offering our partnership-"

"Sorry, but I'll have to decline."

It was another business offer that Sana rejected. The girl bowed and left. Leaving Sana alone.

Sana took a sip of her wine as she wait for Mina. She closed her eyes and sighed. All these business talks are exhausting her. Good thing that girl isn't persuasive like the others or the talk will be longer.

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