Future CEOs

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3rd Person's POV

It's been a year already when the girls moved in US in Daddy Yugyeom's care. Jihyo, Momo, Sana and Mina already graduated while Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu will be graduating this upcoming school year.

Jihyo wants to have a proper job already but Tzuyu won't let her. Whenever she brings up the topic, the Yoda girl would always say, "You don't need to work because you'll be marrying the future CEO of the Chou's Enterprise." And thus, Jihyo stays on working on the arcade with the three students because once Tzuyu decided on something, it won't change.

Sana and Momo, on the other hand, works on Yugyeom's company. It's his way of teaching the two girls on how to manage a company. The two girls even have their own office and an assistant who is none other than Mina.



"Are those two busy?" Yugyeom asked Mina

They're in an elevator. Yugyeom just came from a meeting and Mina bought coffees and snacks for Sana and Momo.

"Yeah. You bombarded them with pile of works and you know them, once they started, they won't stop until they finished."

"Right. It's their only good characteristic as future CEOs." Yugyeom said and chuckled

It's true. Those two might not become the best CEOs someday but Yugyeom knows that they'll be the most hardworking CEOs.

The elevator opened at the floor where Sana and Momo's office are. Mina bowed to Yugyeom and walked out of the elevator.

CEOs in training
(Hirai and Minatozaki)

That's the label on the door of the two's office. Mina opened the door and the two was too busy to even notice her. They were typing something on their laptop while a bunch of paper was on their other side.

Mina closed the door silently. She went to Momo's table first which was closer to her. She placed the coffee and burger to the free space on the table and that's when Momo noticed her.

Momo grabbed the burger and smiled at the latter. "Thanks Mina."

Mina just smiled and proceeded on her girlfriend's table. She took out the burger and unwrapped it before giving it to Sana.

Sana smiled and accepted the burger. "Thanks my penguin." Then she kissed Mina's cheeks

Mina placed a coffee on Sana's table and brushed her finger through the girl's hair. "Don't tire yourself."

Sana nodded and took a bite. Mina then proceeded on her table. Her table is not too occupied unlike the two. She placed the remaining snacks on her table and watched the two.

It has always been like this. Being the two's assistant means doing whatever the two ask her to do and maintaining their health. That's all what she needs to do.

Boring? Maybe... But it's not boring for Mina because she gets to see Sana. And whenever she sees Sana, her day is complete.


It was already morning and Yugyeom decided to check on his future CEO big babies. He opened the door to their office without a warning and he saw the three, including Mina, sleeping peacefully while resting their head on their table and using their hands as their pillow. This has always been the morning sight whenever he gives a lot of works to the two.

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