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A month later...

"Yah! Sana you're drunk again!" Momo said when she saw me go into her room through the window

"I'm not drunk! I just had one bottle, okay?"

I jumped into her bed, beside her and hugged her.

"Hey Sana! You're disgusting me! You reek of alcohol!" She tried to get me off her but I just hugged her even tighter. "Aigoo, where did you go this time?"

"Party. Just a few blocks away." I answered and closed my eyes

"I thought your Dad have spies on you?"

"Yeah. They just watch me, making sure I won't find my penguin..."

My penguin... I tried to find her with the help of Tzuyu but Dad's spies stopped us and burned everything that we have about Mina...

"Ugh, let go of me. I'm gonna sleep on the guest room." Momo struggled

"Don't you want to sleep with your best friend?"

"If she reek of alcohol, no way!"

I laughed and then let go of her. She get out of her bed and covered me with the blanket comfortably.

"Sleep well Sana, I know it's hard. But just hold on."


Momo's POV

I called the others to talk about Sana. We went to my room and checked on her.

"She have always been like this this past few days. And she always go here in my room." I said

"Are you complaining? She's your best friend." Dahyun asked

"My dubu, it's not like that. Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine with me that she goes here but my Mom, she doesn't like Sana!"

"So what are you trying to say to us?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow

"Let's take turns on who should take care of her."

"She always go to my work and eat breakfast WITHOUT PAYING." Chaeyoung scoffed

"She visits me every lunch time to eat lunch and take a bath. She borrows my clothes but doesn't give them back." Dahyun exclaimed and shrugged

"And she goes to apartment every night to eat dinner and talk about Mina." Tzuyu added

"Then after going to Tzuyu, she'll hit a party and go to my room to sleep. Wait, so she doesn't go home?"

We all looked at each with worry.

"Keep it down." Sana groaned and turned her back to us

"She can't continue living like this." Dahyun shook her head. "I'll tell uncle Minatozaki about this."

"And then what?" I asked with annoyance. "That old man will just scold her and slap her again!"

"Anyone have any better idea?" Dahyun asked calmly

"Let's look for Mina." Chaeyoung answered

"My laptop is gone because of that Chaeng. Sana and I already tried that." Tzuyu intrigued

"I mean, just us. Let's not involve Sana."

We looked at each other again before saying a thing.

"Okay, I get that. But after we find Mina, what's next? Sana's old man still won't let them to be together." I pointed out

"Let's... Let's help Sana get wasted." Tzuyu answered and we all looked at her with confusion. "So his Dad will realize that Sana needs Mina."

"So... We're gonna help her rebel?" Dahyun asked and Tzuyu nodded with a smirk

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