Best Friends

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Momo and I just watched movies until the two came back.

"Baby, I missed you!" Momo approached my cousin and hugged her. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes baby." Dahyun answered and they kissed

Psh, they didn't even mind us... I walked to Mina and brushed her hair using my fingers.

"So how was it?" I asked

"It was great. Dahyun told me stories about you."

"What did she told you? Nothing naughty I hope..."

She just giggled.

"So I was thinking..." Dahyun said. "Maybe we could spend our summer vacation together in Dad's resort."

"Great idea baby." Momo said and attempted to kiss Dahyun again but Dahyun stopped her

"Control your hormones Hirai."

"Pfft... Haha!" I burst into laughing

Momo gave me a death stare. She walked closer to me and I hid behind Mina.

"This penguin is my personal guard, ble!" I teased Momo, she can't get Mina because Mina is strong and fast

"As I was saying..." Dahyun tried to get our attention and she did. "Are you guys in?"

"We should invite Tzuyu." Mina stated

"Of course Minari, we'll invite her. She's our best friend after all." I said

"I'll take that as yes then!" Dahyun exclaimed. "We need to have a meeting, call Tzuyu."

"I'll do it." Mina excused herself and called Tzuyu

"Have it ever occurred to you that maybe Mina likes Tzuyu?" Momo suddenly asked

"No. They're best friends. And Mina said she won't like anyone." Except for me

"What if Tzuyu likes Mina?" Dahyun joined

"Tzuyu doesn't like Mina. I just know it baby." Momo answered her

"She said she's on her way." Mina came back. "But she's not alone, she brought a friend of hers."

"She probably thought that she's gonna be an extra again." Momo said jokingly

"But who do you think she'll bring with her?" I asked. "I bet it's someone we don't know..."

"Let's have a bet then." Momo smirked. "If Tzuyu brought someone we don't know, you win. But if Tzuyu brought someone we know, I win. Whoever loses, will do a dare from the winner."

"Deal." I'm confident that Tzuyu will bring someone we don't know

Because 1st, Tzuyu doesn't study in our school. 2nd, she's a bartender and knows a lot of people while us, we're just normal students that knows a lot of students and 3rd, there's a very low possibility that we have a mutual friend because our lifestyle were and still kinda different.

We waited and focused on the door until Tzuyu knock. Momo and I ran to the door but my foot slipped. I closed my eyes and prepared myself to fall on the ground but I didn't. Someone caught me. I opened my eyes and saw Mina holding me.

"Clumsy squirrel." She helped me stood up properly and I hid my face in embarrassment

Momo then opened the door to reveal Tzuyu and...

"It's Chaeyoung." Mina murmured


Now I have to do a dare from Momo... And I have to watch Mina closely, you know, she's still under my care. Chaeyoung might do something to her- ugh, what the hell am I thinking?!

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