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I ran towards Mina and pulled her into a tight hug. Gosh, I miss this penguin so, so much.

"I'm sorry." She hugged me back and cried in my shoulders

My tears fell nonstop as I hug her tighter. "It's okay. I already forgave you."

Our sobbing filled the room. My thoughts are only focused at Mina.

I won't let you go Mina. Not anymore. Not ever.

"Ehem." Yugyeom faked a cough that took everyone's attention except for Mina and I. "Anyone mind to tell me the story?"

Mina and I just continued crying at each other's arms while Dahyun told everything to Yugyeom.

"I'm really sorry." Mina continued apologizing

"It's okay." I managed to whispered and rubbed her back

"Hmm, no one told me about this..." Yugyeom said

I wiped my tears and faced Mina. I smiled as I wipe her tears using my thumb. "Stop crying. It hurts me more to see you crying."

"But I left you. You should be mad at me." She continued crying

"I understand why you did that." I continued wiping her tears

She calmed a little and held my hands. "D- did you met your fiance?"

"I have no fiance anymore."

She stopped crying when she heard my answer. I intertwined my hands to hers and turned to Yugyeom.

"Yugyeom, help us. Help us to make Dad stop from tearing us apart." I pleaded with all my sincerity

"Of course." He answered with a smile

"Thank you." I thanked him, still with all my sincerity and turned to the others. "Me and Mina are going to our room. You sleep here. Don't disturb us. Goodnight."

I flashed a smile to them before pulling Mina to our unit. I locked our unit and faced Mina.

"You can't run away anymore my penguin." I said in a teasing tone to brighten up her gloomy mood

She showed her gummy smile and giggled that melted my heart. "I decided that I won't. Not again."

I giggled too and hugged her again. "And I won't let you even if you want to."

"I know. That's why I won't even try and just treasure every moment with you."

Damn Mina, still straightforward as ever.

"Wanna take a shower together my squirrel?"

I didn't answer anymore and just pulled her in the shower. Excitement is visible in the both of us. She turned on the shower and we didn't even got to close the door. The water pour on us. Our clothes are now soaked. Because of my clumsiness, I slipped and she immediately caught me.

"You're still clumsy as ever." She giggled

I just pouted. Geez, why do they always notice my clumsiness?

I turned away from her and was about to take off my shirt when she grabbed my hands and stopped me.

"Let me do it for you." She whispered to my ears which sent shivers to my whole body. "I left you... So to make it up to you, I'll serve you. I'll be your slave, master squirrel."

She gently moved my hands to my shirt. I just let her. She then removed my shirt and threw it outside the bathroom.

"I want to serve you too-"

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