CEO Sana

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Sana's POV

I was busy typing on my laptop but I can't focus! Mina in front of me sitting in her desk wearing a see-through blouse and biting her lower lip while looking to some papers is distracting me! SHE IS SO DAMN SEXY!

"In 30 minutes, you have a meeting about Nayeon and Jeongyeon's project proposal." She said and looked at me. I just nodded. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like THAT. It's melting me."

I blew a wind and leaned my back in my chair. "You shouldn't have wear that."

She blinked and check her clothes and looked at me again. "Do I look ugly wearing this?"

"NO! It's the opposite. You in that blouse... It's turning me on!"

She blushed and covered her visible black bra that I'm looking at using her hands.

"It's our first day in work. You should focus." She said while avoiding my gaze

"It's your fault for being that sexy. If you really wanted me to focus, you shouldn't turn me on."

"I- It's your fault for looking at me."

She gave me a death glare while her cheeks are still blushing which turned me on even more. Damn this sexy penguin of mine.

"Well, who wouldn't look if there's a sexy creature as yourself in front of them?" I said in my seductive voice and licked my lips

I grinned when she gulped the slump in her throat. And before I knew it, we were in an intense staring contest that was interrupted  by someone barging in my office.

"Miss stop-"

"Jeon Somi?!" I asked and stood up from my seat

She's... Even prettier now.

"Uh, I'm sorry ma'am Minatozaki, I couldn't stop her." The guard apologized

"It's okay. I know her." I said and the guard went out

"Sana!!!" Somi happily called out and was about to tackle me into a hug but I raised my hands and took a step backward. "Aw, do you hate me now?"

"What are you doing here Somi?" I asked, completely ignoring her question

"Well they said that you were gone and then I heard you're back so I thought I'd visit you." She answered with some hand gestures. "So tell me, how is the Minatozaki Sana?"

"What do you want Somi?" I asked another question and once again ignored hers

"Come on Sana... You haven't forgiven me yet?"

"I already forgave you Somi."

"So what's with the cold treatment? I just want to be... Friends." Somi smirked while saying the last word

"Uhm..." Mina uttered and cleared her throat. "It's almost time for your meeting ma'am Minatozaki."

MA'AM MINATOZAKI?! My eye brows furrowed and I looked at Mina who averted her gaze to the papers. I frowned but decided to handle Somi first.

"Somi, please leave. I'm busy."

"Yeah. Now that you're a CEO. I'll wait here." She said and took one of the vacant seats

I was about to say something again but I saw how Mina rolled her eyes in annoyance so I just ignored Somi.

"Let's go my-"

"Yeah let's go ma'am Minatozaki." She cut me off and left me behind

"Hey wait!" I grabbed my jacket and ran to her

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