Confessions of Secrets

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I woke up and blinked twice before completely opening my eyes. I smiled when I saw Mina, still above me. And I'm still not wearing my shirt. I placed her hair behind her ears and looked at her face. She looks tired, maybe she got tired because of Momo's dare?

*knock knock

"Time to wake up you sleepy heads!" Momo shouted

I gently placed Mina beside me and kissed her forehead. I picked up my shirt from the floor and put it on.

"WAKE UP!" Momo shouted impatiently

I hurried up and opened the door before Mina gets wakes up by Momo's loud voice.

"Quiet Momo, my penguin is still sleeping."

She pushed me aside and walked inside to look at Mina.

"Ooh, the chocolate is gone now, isn't it?" She asked in an annoying tone. "So did you guys do it all the way?"

I closed the door first before answering. "Nuh-uh, we ran out of chocolate and she fell asleep."

I felt myself blushed, remembering Mina's actions last night...

"Too bad!" She whined. "She must've been tired. Was she the one in control?"

"Hmm... Yeah, I let her control me." I blushed even more, good thing Momo's looking at Mina or else, I'll get teased

"Woah, you let someone control you? Well, I shouldn't be shocked anymore. It's Mina. Did you confessed to her?"

"She fell asleep before I got the chance to do so."

"Oh come on!" She shouted, sounding unsatisfied. "Maybe I should just root for Chaeyoung instead?"

"Yah! How dare you? Are you really my best friend?"

She pouted and turned to me. "The squirrel still hasn't make the penguin hers. I wouldn't be shocked if the penguin will end up with the tiger instead."

"That's not gonna happen. The penguin said she only likes the squirrel." I said confidently

I believe in Mina.

"Whatever. I'm hungry. Let's go eat breakfast, the others are waiting for us."

She dragged me outside up to the dining table.

"I'm not gonna escape or anything you know!" I shouted at her

"Nah. I don't wanna trust someone who still hasn't confess." Then she pushed me to sit beside Tzuyu. "Tzuyu wants to tell you something." She said so I looked at Tzuyu

She just looked at me and continued eating her soup.

"Soup for breakfast?" I tried to begin a conversation and she just nodded. "What are you gonna tell me, Tzuyu-ah?"

"Y- you're a coward for still not confessing to Mina." She stuttered and I squinted my eyes to her

"You just want to tease me, huh?"

Then Momo, Chaeyoung and Dahyun groaned so I gave them a confused look. They avoided my eye contact and now, I'm even more confused.

"You guys are acting weird. Is that a virus now?" I chuckled. "And Tzuyu is the carrier of the virus. So tell me Tzuyu-ah, what's the cause of this virus?"



"I said Mina is awake now, look." She pointed at the direction of our room

I looked at it and saw Mina walking towards us.

"Minari!" I called out

She showed her gummy smile and waved at me.

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