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I just stood up to where I was standing... Froze and confused... I was sure that she feels the same way but... Was I wrong? I just got rejected, didn't I? But why? Why did she rejected me?

"She said she's just sleepy... Maybe she'll give her answer tomorrow." I heard Dahyun said

Tomorrow? Why not now? Is it hard to say that she feels the same?

"You're not rejected Sana." Momo tried to comfort me but she was unsure of the words she said

Right... We're all unsure of what happened... Only Mina can answer my questions...

Without saying a word, I left my friends and went to Mina... She's already sleeping... On her own bed...

I sighed... Guess I have to wait until tomorrow...

I changed my clothes and decided to sleep too. On my own bed of course. Let's just hope that tomorrow will be a better day.


*knock knock

"Hey! Wake up! It's already 9!"

I groaned as I cover my ears with my pillow. No one told me that Momo is a living alarm in this vacation...

"I'll unlock this door if you don't wake up! I have the key right here in my hand!"

I didn't answer and I didn't move an inch from my position. I'm just too sleepy.

I heard the click of the door. It opened and I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"H- hey Sana..." Momo said with a worried voice

"What?" I said, not moving from my position

"Where's Mina?"

I opened my eyes and got up from my bed... Mina's not here...

"She's not outside?"

Momo shook her head, indicating a no.

I checked the closet, hoping that her clothes are still here but... I only found my clothes... Tears started to form in my eyes as I look in her bed.

"She didn't told you anything?"

"No. She was already asleep when I got here last night..." I answered while breathing heavily

I checked her bed. Maybe she left a note or something. But all I found is her phone. She's... She's really gone...

I felt my knees feeling weak as I broke down in the floor. My first tear broke free and the rest followed in an unbroken stream. I thought she loves me. I thought she feels the same way about me. Why did she leave?!

"Sana, don't cry. Let's find her!" Momo said, anger was visible in her voice

I should be angry too. But I can't. Not at her.

"What's happening here?" I heard Tzuyu's voice as I heard footsteps coming from the door. "Where's Mina?"

"That penguin left!" Momo answered angrily. "Gosh, I don't understand this but I won't let it end like this! Sana, stand up and let's find Mina!"

"But how? We don't know where she lives. And once a person left, it means she doesn't want to be found, right?" I said between my sobbing

"But you want to find her, right?" Tzuyu asked. I weakly nod. Of course I want to find her. "Everything is deleted on her phone. I can hack it and retrieve all the data. Maybe this will lead us to her. But I need your permission Sana."

I raised my head and turned to Tzuyu. She's checking Mina's phone.

"Do it." I gave her permission

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