Meeting The Manager

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"You guys should wait here first." Yugyeom said and went inside his cafe

"Sana, you're not mad, are you?" Momo whispered


It's true, I'm not mad. I just hate it that they didn't informed me about their plan. Don't they trust me?!

"Yugyeom, I know they'll do fine. Let them in already!"

My thoughts were disturbed because of the voice inside the cafe. I know that voice. I can't be wrong...

Momo gulped. "Is it just me or does the voice really sounds like-"

The door opened and revealed a nervous Yugyeom. "Get in."

We all walked inside and saw the manager. I wasn't wrong... She looks surprised as we are.

"Why does it have to be them?!" She asked Yugyeon while motioning her hand to us

"Wait, you know them?" Yugyeom asked ang gave us a questioning look. "You know Jihyo?"

"Yeah." I answered and walked beside Jihyo. "What are you doing here? Do you live here now?"

"I tend to wander around the world." She answered. "I heard you're a mess again. Nayeon told me."

I just looked outside. I don't want to talk about it.

"So do we have to introduce ourselves?" Tzuyu intrigued

Oh right. They don't go to our school.


"Tzuyu." Jihyo cut me off. "One of your exes. And the one beside Momo is Dahyun, the DJ and the one we caught at the school garden."

"E- eh... You still remember that..." Dahyun said shyly as she blushed

"Caught at the school garden doing what?" Yugyeom asked

"She-" I covered Jihyo's mouth and shook my head, telling her not to say a thing about it

"How about Chaeng? Do you know her?" Tzuyu asked Jihyo

Jihyo blinked her eyes a few times before finally saying, "Who is she?"

"Aw, she doesn't know you." Tzuyu teased Chaeyoung and pouted

"Oh sorry, my family is not rich and I'm not popular." Chaeyoung said sarcastically to Tzuyu and rolled her eyes

"She's Son Chaeyoung. Give her more works because she works in a coffee shop, she's the only one who have an experience in this field." Dahyun introduced Chaeyoung

Jihyo rubbed her chin and faced Yugyeom. "How are they related to you?"

"Dahyun is my little sister and Tzuyu is my cousin." Yugyeom answered

Jihyo nodded. She started looking at us one by one, from head to feet and then from feet to head.

"Tomorrow is saturday so most of the costumers are kids..." Jihyo said to herself but everyone can hear her. She nod for the last time and clapped her hands. "We'll be cute animals tomorrow. We'll wear onesies!"

"Ah yeah. There are a lot of onesies in the dressing room!" Yugyeom exclaimed in excitement

"Let's try them now!" Jihyo shouted



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