The Punishment

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It's not fluffy and soft as mine. I opened my eyes and looked around. This is not my room... Where am I?

I heard footsteps coming in the room so I quickly grabbed my pillow and threw it at the person but she just caught it.

"You're awake." She stated

"Obviously. Where am I? Who are you?" I asked

She just pointed the drawer beside the bed so I pulled the drawer and saw a paper inside.

'This is the consequences that I'm talking about Sana. From now on, you'll live in this apartment and be watched by Mina every single day. Mina will be your personal guard and she'll report to me from time to time. She's also the one who'll handle your money. AND, take care of her Sana, she'll be transferring in your school. She'll be in your care.'

The note have Dad's signature in it.

She'll be my personal guard but she'll in my care? Was Dad high when he wrote this?

I looked at the girl who's observing my every move.

"So you're Mina?" I asked her and she nodded. "Tell me about yourself."

"I was raised by my grandfather. He taught me everything I know. He taught me to fight and how to live properly. We lived in a peaceful province far from here."

"How about your parents?"

She hesitated for a second and answered, "They died. Leaving me to pay their debt to your family."

"Oh... Sorry to hear that..."

"It's okay." Then she smiled. "You can ask me anything."

"Okay. It says here in my father's note that I need to take care of you. Any idea what that means?"

"I think he meant that you need to teach me how to live in a city. You see, back in the province, my grandpa and I live in a very small wooden house. Our lights were fire. We harvest and hunt for our food. So, technically, I don't know how things work here."

Such a boring life she has. I pity her.

"Just don't stay away from me and I think you'll be fine. Oh right, will you live here too?"

"Yes. So if you need something, you can ask me right away. Your father gave me a lots of money for you."

I nodded. So this is my punishment? It's not that bad. It's like my Dad gave me a sister.

I stretched my arms and stood up. Good thing it's saturday!

I looked at Mina who's also looking at me. I just noticed that her sense of fashion is not really good. She's wearing a white sweater and a very long black skirt.

"Do you have other clothes Mina?"

"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to bring anything with me because your Dad called in a very short notice. The only thing that I was able brought is... Myself. Your Dad told me you can help me with this problem..." She answered shyly

She's cute, haha!

I giggled. "Sure Mina. And we'll buy a uniform too. Take a shower and we'll go to the mall."

"T- thanks ma'am Sana." And she bowed to me

"Just Sana. Don't be too formal."

She nodded and went to the bathroom.

Now who shall I call for assistance? Momo? Because she's my best friend. But when it comes to stuffs like this, Tzuyu is the expert. So should I call Tzuyu? But Momo might get mad if I did that...

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