Night Full of Emotions

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After swimming, we ate dinner and went back to our designated rooms.

"Today was fun!" Mina exclaimed and laid on her bed

"Hmm, yeah. Today was fun so we should end it fun too." I said and opened the drawer where I hid the lipstick that Momo gave me for my dare. "Penguin, do you like sweets?"

"I love sweets." She answered

I can't believe I'm gonna do this... But here goes nothing...

"You love sweets and I love kisses, why don't we put them together?" She looked at me with confusion. I took her hand and put the lipstick in it. "Use this to me, my penguin."

She looked at the lipstick and opened it. "Chocolate?"

"You can put the lipstick on any of my body parts and then you need to kiss it so you can taste the chocolate."

She gulped and it made my heart beat faster. She stood up and sat in my lap. She used the lipstick on my lips. She wrapped her hands in my neck and then licked my lips before kissing it. I just closed my eyes and responded to her kiss. Her kiss feels so new to me. When there was no chocolate left on lips, she stopped and pulled out from the kiss. We were both panting.

"Stick out your tounge." She commanded in a sexy voice

Her sexy voice turned me on. I followed her command and she used the lipstick on my tounge. She wrapped her hands on my neck again and battled with my tounge. The sweetness of the chocolate and her tounge blends in together perfectly. It taste so good.

The taste of the chocolate faded but we still continued kissing. We ran out of breath so we pulled out from the kiss. We were heavily panting. She then looked at my neck and put some lipstick on it. She licked it, kissed it and sucked it which caused me to let out a moan and bended my neck, giving her more space.

"Where did you learn all this perverted stuffs?" I asked between my panting and moaning

"Momo made me watch all the videos on her phone." She answered

She stopped kissing my neck and used the lipstick to draw a line from my neck down to my collarbone. She licked the line and kissed it.

"Take off your shirt." Another command of hers that turned me on. I took off my shirt just like she said and then she stood up. "Lay on the bed."

I followed what she said. She crawled on my bed and sat between my legs. She caressed my tummy and drew a heart on it using the lipstick. She stick out her tounge and licked it while looking at me. Gosh, she's so hot! After she licked the chocolate, she sucked it, leaving a mark. She moved higher and used the lipstick on my cleavage. She cleaned the chocolate in just one lick and then she raised the lipstick.

There's no more chocolate... I looked at her and our eyes met. I avoided eye contact. I'm embarrassed and also nervous... Should I confess now?

I heard her yawn and that made me look at her. She... She fell asleep.


3rd Person's POV

The atmosphere in Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's bedroom is very different to Sana and Mina's.

There are bottles of alcohols in the floor and there is also one in Tzuyu's hand.

"Why did you agree to join this vacation if you know that you're just gonna get hurt?" Chaeyoung asked while picking up the empty bottles in the floor

"Because Mina is my best friend. And I know she won't stop persuading me to join this fucking vacation." Tzuyu answered and drank

"You can't do this again tomorrow Tzuyu. You know I'm not good at excuses." Chaeyoung said and sat beside Tzuyu

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