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Mina's POV

"Eh? Why are we in our apartment? I thought we're gonna buy a ring?"

"No my fiance penguin, I'M gonna buy a ring while you stay here. Okay?" Sana said and kissed my cheeks

"But I wanna come with you." I whined

"No, I want to propose to you properly. Don't worry, I'll be fast."

In the end, I lost in our argument. Well, she's my boss anyway.

The car left and I ran to our room. I grabbed my laptop that Sana gave me and jumped to my bed. I immediately looked if any of our friends in US are online and Chaeyoung is so I video called her. After a few minutes, she answered.

"Mina! I miss you!"

I chuckled at her cuteness. "You always say that whenever we talk."

"It's just I really miss you."

I chuckled again. Maybe I would've fall in love with Chaeyoung if Sana wasn't in my life. She's just too cute for her own good.

"Where's the others? I have something to announce."

She sighed and scratched her head. "Jihyo and Tzuyu are on a date while Dahyun is on her brother's company."

"Aw, the cub is left alone." I teased her and she glared at me. "You're so cute Chaeng."

"Aish, shut up. Just tell me your announcement."

"So Momo, Sana and I went to a party. It's more like a business party and Somi, aka Sana's first love, was there-"

"SOMI?!" She asked-yelled at me

"Yes Chaeng. Jeon Somi."


I paused and stared blankly at her. "Do you really have to repeat her name in a surprised manner?"

"Eh? Sorry. Continue then."

I cleared my throat and continued. "I caught her forced a kiss to Sana's lips."

I clenched my fist, remembering that scene. If Sana didn't pulled me away from there, that girl would've been in the hospital already.


"I know right! How could she?!"

"So what did you do? Wait, is Somi alright?"

"Sana stopped me so yes, Somi is alright. And guess what?"

I smiled, remembering that sweet moment.

"Uhm, Sana kissed you?" Chaeyoung guessed with her eyebrow raised

"Even better!" My smile grew wider. "Sana and I are now fiances!"

Chaeyoung's lips formed a gap as her eyes widened. "Really?! Congratulations!"

"Yeah. Just tell the others for me."

"So when is the wedding?!"

"We didn't talk about it yet but as soon as we decide on it, you'll be the first one to know."

She just nodded happily.

"So Chaeng, enough about me. Let's talk about you. Do you now know what 69 is?" I smirked

"No, not yet. It's weird! I feel like everyone knows about but no one wants to tell me! I even asked my classmates about it but they just laughed and some even said that I'm disgusting." She sulked

Thank God she didn't ask her teachers or else she would be in big trouble.

"But wait, where's your fiance?" She asked

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