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Finally... After a few days, school finally ended!

"Mina, what do you want to do this summer?"

We're still in the bed, cuddling. Because, why not?

"I just want to spend my time with you Sana." She smiled and poked my cheeks

"Stop that." I chuckled and held her hand. "Do you always say cheesy lines to me because I'm your boss?"

Because seriously, a day won't end without her saying a cheesy line to me... But it never fail to make my heart beat...

"Your dad is the one who hired me so technically, he's my boss and not you."

I hummed and nodded. "Right. Then why do you say these cheesy lines?"

"I just want to?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"


We laughed. Have I told you already that her laugh is so illegal? It makes me want to kiss her! But of course, I know how to resist... Living with this girl was all about resistance.

"Come on, let's stand up now." She said

She let go of me and stood up. I pouted and held the blanket tighter.

"Sana doesn't want to." I said with my aegyo

"Come on squirrel." I shook my head consecutively. "I'll cook breakfast while you stay here, okay?"

Then she tied her hair in a pony tail and walked out of the room.


I grabbed my phone from the table beside the bed and read the message.

From: Momoring

"Prepare more breakfast. I'm going there and I'm going to bring one more person with me."

I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I saw Mina cooking with her penguin designed apron on. I approached her and hugged her from the back. She just giggled to my actions.

"What? Are you hungry already?" She asked

"Hmm, no. Momo just texted me, she said she'll be eating breakfast here and she'll be bringing one more person with her."

"One more person? Tzuyu?"

"Maybe? Just prepare the food, okay? I'm gonna set up the table."

She nodded. I slowly let go of her and set up the table for 4 people. Then Mina finished cooking and served the food. We sat beside each other and waited for Momo.

"Did she told you her time of arrival?" Mina asked after a few minutes of waiting

"Nope. But I think she'll be here soon."

*knock knock

"See? Told you."

She smiled and opened the door. Momo came in, holding... Dahyun's hand?!

"Dahyun?" I ran to her and hugged her. "Yah, Momoring, why didn't you told me that the one more person is Dahyun?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Now let go of my girlfriend." She answered

I giggled and let go of Dahyun. Wait, did she just said 'her girlfriend'?

"What?! You two are official now?!"

Momo held Dahyun's hand and Dahyun couldn't help but blush.

"Yeah, we're official now."

"Omg! Omg! Omg!" I jumped because of my excitement

"Settle down squirrel." Mina chuckled

"Let's just eat. I'm hungry."

We took our seats and started eating.

"It's a nice thing that you have here Sana." Dahyun said while looking around the apartment. "When did you two started to live together?"

I choked at my food and Mina hurriedly gave me a glass of water. I drank it and glare at Momo.

"Uh, they started living here months ago. Why baby? You want us to live together too?" Momo said and I cringed

Baby? Well, as long as they're happy, I'll support them no matter what.

"Isn't that fast? We should take things slowly, okay? I just find it amazing that they're living independently... How long have you been together?"

Silence... I looked at Mina and our eyes met. Then we both look at Momo.

"This might surprise you but, they're not a couple, they're just best friends..." Momo said

"R- really?" Dahyun stuttered

"Yes, we're not a couple. Why? Do we look like one?" I asked jokingly

"Not just that. You act like one too!" Dahyun answered seriously. "You have this couple shirt about a penguin and a squirrel, right? And whenever I look at you two, you always act sweet to each other."

Mina and I just laughed.

"Sorry to disappoint you but we're best friends and not a couple." Mina giggled

"I really thought... Whatever... Mina, I want to know you more. Can we bond together? Today?"

"Okay baby, we'll go to the mall-"

"No baby, you and Sana will stay here while Mina and I go to the mall." Dahyun cut Momo off

Mina just looked at me, waiting for my respond. I leaned closer to her and whispered, "Go, nothing will happen to Momo and I here."

She smiled and nodded.

"After we eat, let's go to the mall." Dahyun said to Mina and Mina just nodded

We finished our food and Mina prepared herself for their bonding while I did the dishes.

I finished the dishes and the two left, leaving me and Momo. We just sat at the sofa and stare at each other.

"When are you gonna ask Mina to be your girlfriend?" She broke the silence

"Hmm? Why would I do that?" I asked her a question, avoiding to answer hers

"Because you love her and everyone knows that she loves you too."

"How can you be so sure that I love her?"

"Sana, ever since she came to your life, you never had a girlfriend anymore and you stopped having sex. You don't want to touch her because you treasure her. And I've been your best friend for a long time, I know everything about you and I know that you're deeply in love with her."

I let out a deep breath. "Okay, you win. I am in love with her. But Momo, she's just a punishment sent by my Dad."

"Punishment or not, who cares?" I just remained silent to her question. "The important thing is, you love her and she loves you too. You two are in love with each other!"

"But that doesn't mean we have to take things on a different level, right? I mean, we're happy right now."

She crossed her arms disappointedly.

"You're just gonna continue acting like a couple instead of being a real one? Are you a fool Sana?"

"Hey I'm not!"

"Aigoo. Don't blame me if someone else take her from you."

"Why are you so worried? Mina and I are doing great, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever. You suck when it comes to love."

I just pouted at her.

Why is she so worked up about me and Mina? I love the relationship between me and Mina right now, and I don't want to ruin it.

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