Sequal Chapter 6

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Soda handed Pony and I our pay check for the week and we were headed to the mall.

"Do you know what you're getting the guys?", he asked.

"Not exactly, whatever I see that reminds me of them.", I answered. "Do you?"

"Only one person.", He responded.

"And that is who?", I asked. He said it was me and so I decided to try to get him to tell me what it is.

"C'mon Pone, just give me a hint.", I begged.

"Well, you'll love it.", he said. I sighed as we went into the first store. I looked around and around and then something caught my eye. A case of switch blades.

"I found Dal's present.", I pointed. Ponyboy gave me a smirk and we went to pay for it. Then we went to another store where I got Darry some work boots. After two hours of walking around, I got everyone's gift. Even, Pony's when he wasn't looking.

"Are we ready to leave?", he asked.

"Did you get everything that you wanted to get the guys?", I asked.

"I thought the gifts we got we were both giving the guys. Together.", he answered. I let out a chuckle and agreed.

"What did you do with the money that you were originally supposed to get something for the guys with?", I asked.

"Got your present. By the way don't go looking for it because it's no where near here.", he answered. I rolled my eyes and walked up the front porch. I walked inside the house and put up the bags. When I came back inside the living room, everyone was being themselves except Two-Bit. He was just sitting on the counter holding a beer bottle. I walked over and sat on the counter beside him.

"What's wrong, Two?", I whispered, just in we didn't want any one to know. He grabbed my wrist and led me on the porch. It was dark, so we had to turn on the porch light. He shut the door and sat with me on the front step.

"I found out something today.", he said.

"What did you find out, Two-Bit?", I asked.

"That girl Cathy I was with three years ago, well, I have a three year old daughter. I found out today because she wants money. Money I barely have.", Two-Bit answered. I was in complete shock.

"Wow, hey take my place at the DX. You need it more.", I suggested.

"Are you sure?", he asked, stressed out.

"Positive.", I answered. He gave me a small grin and hugged me as we walked back in.

"You plan on telling the guys?", I asked.

"Yeah, not yet though. You can tell Pony, but not while the guys are around.", Two-Bit answered. We were talking quietly so no one could hear us. Everyone was in the living room talking and doing what they do best.

"Hey, Pone, can I talk to you in another room?", I asked. He nodded getting up. I looked over and noticed some girl. "Dal, who's this?"

"Her name's Claire. She's nineteen and she's my new girl.", Dally answered with his stronge New York accent.

"Hi Claire, I'm Dally's kid sister, Kyrie.", I introduced. "This is my boyfriend, Ponyboy."

"I met everyone, already. It was a pleasure meeting you.", she smiled. I smiled back and led Pony into another room.

"Dal sure gets over girls fast.", Pony said.

"Yeah, he does. So, um, I brought you up here to tell you that, um, Two-Bit has a baby.", I said. Pony's eyes lit up in shock and for some reason, raged filled up in him.

"Did you and Two-Bit-", he began to yell when I cut him off.

"No, no, no, no, gosh no. Cathy's the baby mama. The baby is three and he found out today. Just because Cathy needs child support.", I explained. He calmed down and apologized.

"Come here.", he instructed. I sat beside him on the bed.

"I'm here.", I said. He kissed my lips gently. Then, my jaw bone and went towards my neck.

"I love you.", he whispered.

"I love you, too.", I replied. He looked up at me and smiled. "Wanna try to get some sleep?" He nodded and we went and got under the covers. I faced him and snuggled into his chest. He rolled over on top of me and gave me a gentle kiss. I heated the kiss. The next one got even more heated. I could feel his tongue begging for entrance. I gladly granted that entrance as our tongues wrestled and played together. I slipped my hands under his shirt to take it off. He noticed what I was doing and helped me out. We broke our kiss, only for a second to do that. Then, I felt his hands begin to move my shirt up. He stopped and left his hands on top of my bra.

"And this is where we'll be-", I heard Dally when he opened the door, revilling him and Claire.

"Um, sup Dal?", I awkwardly asked.

"We just walked in on my kid sister and Ponyboy.", he answered, I guess.

"Get ready to run.", I whispered. "Um, Dally, if you want Pony and I can go somewhere else." I pushed Pony off of me and got up, pulling my shirt down. Pony came and stood beside me, shirtless.

"No, I want you to go sleep in Pony and Soda's room and Pony in Darry's. Right after I skin him!", Dallas yelled and chased Pony out the door.

"Dallas stop!", I cried once we reached the living room. The front door was shut, so there was no way of escape for Pony. All the guys stood up and half held Dally back.

"What's going on?", Darry asked.

"I walked in on them two!", Dally answered. I was beside Pony now. The gang wolf wistled and cheered on Pony, which caused Dally's anger to boil.

"Listen, it was gonna happen sooner or later, Dal. Go with Claire and we'll handle these two for you.", Darry reccommended. He let go of Dally and Dally went back into Pony's room and slammed the door.

"Now, you two. Be careful. Please.", Darry said. We nodded and was escorted into Soda and Pony's room. This time with Two-Bit, Steve, and Johnny with us as well. They made pallets in the floor and Soda slept in between me and Pony this time. I had my arm draped over Soda and was holding Pony's hand.

"Goodnight, I love you guys.", I announced.

I recieved many "Goodnight Kyrie, love you, too's."

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