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"Ah, home sweet home..." I say as I put my stuff on the ground. I look around at the dusty place, "looks like dad hasn't gotten home early enough to clean the last couple of weeks."

I walked up the stairs to my room and started to unpack. "I don't know how mom can handle traveling so much," I pause, thinking, "well I guess this year she is only gone one every three weeks."

I twist the beaded bracelet on my wrist as I contemplate what to unpack next.

"Oh yeah! That's kind of important..." I realize as I open up my carry on bag from the flight. "How did you like the flight Kama (K-ah-ma) ?" I question as my white rabbit Kwami floats out of my bag.

"Kind of cramped to be honest." She said in her slightly deeper voice.

"Sorry,... But here is home...! Look around, no one is home right now," I mention to her as I continue to unpack.

She zips off to explore, and I softly laugh at her eagerness. I think back to when I got Kama...

[Insert dream-like flash back noises here]

I was walking in Melbourne, Australia and I was heading back to my host family's apartment. I had just been working at an animal reserve for my Saturday.

I was tired and wanted to get home quickly. As I look around the streets I see a woman and her dog with two sketchy looking dudes talking to her. They weren't doing anything to her, but they were kicking the dog and there was a slight fright in her face that wouldn't be noticable if you didn't look closely.

I would have marched over there if it was just the dog, but the woman too? That made me even more angry. I don't usually get into fights or other matters, but I was in an extravagant mood.

"YO!!" I yell over to them as I hold my head high, smoothly walking up to them, ignoring the pounding in my finger tips, ears and chest.

Speaking loudly I say, "Whatcha doin to my girl here...Mates...?" I tried to look as intimidating as possible, slightly hinted to my bare arms that had some muscle to them. Working at the reserve has helped with that. They glanced around at the other people starting to look over and seeing I wasn't going to be easy they backed off and started walking away mumbling. I rolled my eyes at the occasional cuss word they said.

I started to look over the dog and pet it when the girl began to talk to me, "Thank you, you didn't have to do that for me."

She sounded a little shaken but I was honestly thinking 'I did it mostly for the dog.' "No problem, I needed to yell at someone anyway, why not help someone in the process?" I dully state, not looking up and still petting the dog.

Standing up I off-handly say "Have a good evening ma'am." Carrying on my tired, bored, and not at all merry way a large group of people coming in the opposite direction.

"Ugg, more people..." I mumble as I start to expertly weave through them. I had gotten good at it, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it.

Right as another wave of people came this little old man in front of me dropped Kama's bracelet, though I didn't know this at the time, on the ground. I picked it up and tried to call after him, but as I looked around he was gone. "Dang it! He was short too! I'll never be able to see him." I sigh, "And honestly I'll never see him again in this town with my luck. I didn't even see his face!" I subconsciously slip it into my pocket and continue to he apartment.

Black Leather and White Fur (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now