Ch 57

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My gaze was fixed in space, subconsciously following the paper trail as they drifted away in the breeze. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I tried to move. My arms didn't respond and my neck stayed in place.

The ground seemed to beckon to me. My head tilted down slowly with the weight, finding my feet at the edge of the roof. My knees wobbled, and the ground along with them. My head was heavier than my body and began to pull me forward into the air below me.

As I came closer and closer, I had no energy to stop myself, too dazed to really understand what was happening to me. An arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back from the corner. I was pulled into a firm chest, half of my body on the ground, the rest in Noir's lap.

My eyes were drooping, everything felt so heavy. I let out a yawn as I tried to look at the superheros. My eyes watered at blurred up so I couldn't see them clearly. When I finished a drop of water landed on my nose, making it itch just enough to make me sneeze.

It made them giggle in the only way to describe it would be wetly. I lazily rolled my eyes and head over to stare at them. I probably looked like I was on every drug known to man at the same time, but I was too tired to really understand what was going on.

Some halfway coherent thought crossed my mind, but it came out not coherent to say the least. "Bu-clembebutbuttrfly thnny...?" I waved my arm... Not sure how I did that.

My eyes were stinging as I tried to focus on what they were saying. Something about 'yes, the akuma is cleansed' and 'are you okay?' also 'what happened.'

Tears started streaming down my face as I yawned a couple more times. I could recall what happened, but my brain wasn't connecting the right channels to have the right responses to it. I felt numb. And tired. And I'm not entirely sure what this feeling is but it's not pleasant.

Maybe I'm hungry?

At any rate I started to mumbled out some sort of story, not sure if it was the right one, but it must have moved them as they were crying, and hugging me at the end. I was crying myself, and all of our tears were melding together in one beautifully disgusting line of salt water.

I didn't know how I had the energy to stay conscious so far, but  what little I had finally left me and my head rolled to the side as my eyes closed.

I only stirred half way when I was placed in my bed and I heard a soft voice say, "get some rest Chérie, we're going to be okay. Everything is going to be just fine."

I rested peacefully for the rest of the night.


My time as an akuma was a bit different than everyone else's time. For one, no one knew that it was me. Hardly anyone knew it was even an akuma.

Two, I seemed to remember what happened. Everyone else couldn't, or maybe wouldn't remember what exactly they did.

Three, mine had lasting effects. Everyone in Paris is still feeling the pain of loss and heart break. It isn't bad now that I'm not singing, but the memory is still there. Since Ladybug didn't use her Lucky Charm and miraculous cure, it didn't go away.

Four, I didn't get back what I lost. It seems like after someone is Akumatized, everything works out. Everyone gets what they want, and everyone is happy. I can't get back what I lost.

Five, I'm not entirely sure I was sorry.

I sat at my desk, watching the news on my laptop.

"Citizens of Paris are in panic. After some sort of song last night, every one who has heard the song have been in fear." The reporter herself looked fearful, or sorrowful, but perhaps it was her way of trying to seem sympathetic.

"The only way to describe it would be that I felt the consequences of someone else's actions. As if I just lost the thing I hold most dear to me. Now, I just hope I never have to feel it again. That's my fear lingering at the back of my mind." The woman seemed sad, and my heart went out to her, but I'm glad she got a wake up call.

"It made me realize a few things. I'm almost grateful for it. I never want to make someone feel that way, and I sincerely wish that no one wants to make me, or anyone else feel that way again." The young man seemed determined in his statement, and I'm glad at least one person understood my mission.

I'm sure if people find out it was me, it would turn out as well though. I sat and watched until they switched to more mundane stories about the weather and what not. I slowly closed the lid and spun around on my chair.

I kinda forgot that Kama was there until she landed on my shoulder, startling me out of my thoughts. I had reclasped her bracelet on my wrist this morning when I woke up.

She just stared at me, blank faced, studying me. I swallowed hard at her scrutiny, she was going to hate me. She finally sighed and looked down. "Was it worth it?"

One question. That's all she asked. That one question could break someone's resolve. It can break friendships and relationships, or maybe it was the question already after it was broken. I had to think about it, was it?

I finally looked her straight in the eye and told her my answer, "If it stops people from hurting others the way they hurt me, then yes. If it helps them understand then yes. And I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good while I was doing it."

We stared at each other for a long time, looking into each other's eyes, trying to find something, anything to tell us what the other was thinking. I broke first and had to stand. I turned my back on her floating form when she spoke.


I faced her again with my brow raised in a question.

She smiled softly at me, "okay then. We're going to be okay"

A smiled and couldn't help but hug her (probably smothering her to death) and cry.

Everything is going to be just fine.


Surprise! I'm giving you guys another chapter because I'm going to have zero (0) service for the span of this week so I'm giving it to you early.

Anyway, love you guys! Thanks for 15k reads! Feel free to ask me anything, comment, vote, share.

Anything is appreciated!

Have a fantastic day!


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